Is there any way to get yuv image data from swapchain in an iddcx driver?


I'm trying to use virtio gpu driver from intel to display Windows images in qemu.(see Display-Virtualization-for-Windows-OS in github). But it took a long time to Copy and Map desktop images from swap chain to memory with intel-1235u cpu. Therefore, I want to try to take YUV data directly from Swapchain to see if the Copy time can be reduced by reducing the size of image data.

With the iddcx of version 1.10, in the functions:
I sets YCbCr422 = IDDCX_BITS_PER_COMPONENT_8 and Rgb = IDDCX_BITS_PER_COMPONENT_NONE to make the color format of the virtual display YCbCr422, which does work. The color format of the virtual display did change to YCbCr422 in Windows setting, but the data I got from SwapChain was still in RGBA format.

What can I do to get YUV data directly from SwapChain.Is there any api that can specify the color format from swap chain?