MyDriver is a FSF driver. I got foll bugcheck while formating the drive.
Arg1: 21afe081, memory referenced
Arg2: 00000002, IRQL
Arg3: 00000001, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: 804e750b, address which referenced memory
f653bb18 baf4b35b 811378e4 fafa2fca 81137820 nt!ExDeleteResourceLite+0x15
f653bb2c baf47ca7 81137820 f653bb90 fafa3019 sr!SrDeleteAttachmentDevice+0x59
f653bb38 fafa3019 81137820 811c6a90 fafa2fca sr!SrFastIoDetachDevice+0x17
f653bb90 8051cac0 81137820 811c6a90 811c6a90 MyDriver!FastIoDetachDevice+0x4f
f653bbdc 80509fcd 812af948 00000000 811c6a00 nt!IopCompleteUnloadOrDelete+0xc5
f653bbf4 baf47ca7 811c6a00 f653bc4c 8051cac0 nt!IoDeleteDevice+0x7b
f653bc00 8051cac0 811c6a90 ffb0d188 81276e80 sr!SrFastIoDetachDevice+0x17
f653bc4c 804ed352 812e0a18 00000000 00000000 nt!IopCompleteUnloadOrDelete+0xc5
f653bc64 8056b080 ffb0d188 00000000 00000000 nt!IopDecrementDeviceObjectRef+0x37
f653bca4 80563ff6 00276e80 81276e68 00000000 nt!IopDeleteFile+0x1df
f653bcc0 804e3c55 81276e80 00000000 00000848 nt!ObpRemoveObjectRoutine+0xdf
f653bce4 80567543 ffa14c88 e28435f8 ffb35030 nt!ObfDereferenceObject+0x5f
f653bcfc 805675ac e28435f8 81276e80 00000848 nt!ObpCloseHandleTableEntry+0x155
f653bd44 805675f6 00000848 00000001 00000000 nt!ObpCloseHandle+0x87
f653bd58 804df06b 00000848 01e7fa0c 7c90eb94 nt!NtClose+0x1d
f653bd58 7c90eb94 00000848 01e7fa0c 7c90eb94 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xf8
01e7f9f0 7c90d592 66dd3f4c 00000848 01e7fde4 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
01e7f9f4 66dd3f4c 00000848 01e7fde4 66ddbf1d ntdll!ZwClose+0xc
01e7fa00 66ddbf1d 01e7fc84 01e7fa7c 66ddc947 ifsutil!DP_DRIVE::CloseDriveHandle+0x11
01e7fa0c 66ddc947 00000000 00000000 00000000 ifsutil!SUPERAREA::FormatNotification+0x12
01e7fa7c 5b2534c2 01e7fe7c 01e7fde4 00000000 ifsutil!VOL_LIODPDRV::Format+0xca
01e7fdb4 693c20d7 01e7ff3c 00e7fde4 00000001 UFAT!Format+0x1ff
01e7ff74 7ca968d2 0009d900 0000000c 7c9d4f00 FMIFS!FormatEx+0x349
01e7ffb4 7c80b50b 00142c90 000e0201 00000006 SHELL32!BeginFormat+0x161
01e7ffec 00000000 7ca96771 0009d760 00000000 kernel32!BaseThreadStart+0x37
Any idea why?
It seems that you have passed the FastIoDetachDevice
to the lower driver. Correct me someone if I’m wrong,
but this call informs YOUR filter that YOUR device is being
detached and YOU should make all necessary cleanups.
Look at the SpyFastIoDetachDevice device, it will give you
more info.
By the way, I think you’ll get the same bugcheck when you
eject an USB drive (if your filter attaches to removable
devices, of course).
Ochrana proti p?esm?rov?n? na drah? linky. Ji? ??dn? vysok? ??ty!
VOLN? internet alarm - je?t? bezpe?n?j?? surfov?n?!
Sta?en? i pou??v?n? je ZDARMA na
So is it that the FastIoDetachDevice must never be passed down?
“Ladislav Zezula” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
It seems that you have passed the FastIoDetachDevice
to the lower driver. Correct me someone if I’m wrong,
but this call informs YOUR filter that YOUR device is being
detached and YOU should make all necessary cleanups.
Look at the SpyFastIoDetachDevice device, it will give you
more info.
By the way, I think you’ll get the same bugcheck when you
eject an USB drive (if your filter attaches to removable
devices, of course).
Ochrana proti pøesmìrování na drahé linky. Ji¾ ¾ádné vysoké úèty!
VOLNÝ internet alarm - je¹tì bezpeènìj¹í surfování!
Sta¾ení i pou¾ívání je ZDARMA na
No. Look at the FileSpy, the SpyFastioDetachDevice
function. It just detaches from the target device and
deletes he source device.
Thank you…sorry…but still confused of your first statement “no”.
Is it that
- no. FastIoDetachDevice must never be passed down.
- no. FastIoDetachDevice can be passed down sometimes.
“Ladislav Zezula” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> No. Look at the FileSpy, the SpyFastioDetachDevice
> function. It just detaches from the target device and
> deletes he source device.
> L.
FastIoDetachDevice must never be passed down.
Its purpose is not for sending a FS request through all drivers
on the stack, its purpose is to inform a certain driver that is has
to be detached from the lower device.
Do file system drivers get FastIoDetachDevice. Is yes. when.
“Ladislav Zezula” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> FastIoDetachDevice must never be passed down.
> Its purpose is not for sending a FS request through all drivers
> on the stack, its purpose is to inform a certain driver that is has
> to be detached from the lower device.
> L.
No. The FastIoDetachDevice entry point is called from IoDeleteDevice in
the case where there is an attached device object. Since file system’s
do not “attach” to other device objects, they do not receive this call.
Tony Mason
Consulting Partner
OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Next OSR File Systems Class April
4, 2005 in Boston!
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mani
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 9:06 AM
To: ntfsd redirect
Subject: Re:[ntfsd] Re:Re:IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL while formating drive
Do file system drivers get FastIoDetachDevice. Is yes. when.
“Ladislav Zezula” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
> FastIoDetachDevice must never be passed down.
> Its purpose is not for sending a FS request through all drivers
> on the stack, its purpose is to inform a certain driver that is has
> to be detached from the lower device.
> L.
Questions? First check the IFS FAQ at
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No. Look at the FileSpy, the SpyFastioDetachDevice
function. It just detaches from the target device and
deletes he source device.
Questions? First check the IFS FAQ at
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Quoting Ladislav Zezula :
> No. Look at the FileSpy, the SpyFastioDetachDevice
> function. It just detaches from the target device and
> deletes he source device.
> L.
> —
> Questions? First check the IFS FAQ at
> You are currently subscribed to ntfsd as:
> To unsubscribe send a blank email to
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