I am sorry to be asking for such a basic question. I have not used this command for a looooong time and now what ever I do it does not work. I am using DDK version 7600.16385.1. When I do link -export:symbol *.sys or *.lib it keeps getting fatal error or unable to read etc … I recall in the olden times when I typed link -export -? it would give me three options. Now it does not. Basically I want to see the exported symbols in a driver or a library. There was also a hidden option which link -? did not expose. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Please answer with an actual usage and output.
Link /dump /exports on the sys or dll. If you are trying to dump a driver in system32\drivers, best to copy it out of the directory first, otherwise you can potentially get access denied. This won’t work on a .lib.
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From: xxxxx@gmail.commailto:xxxxx
Sent: ?2/?18/?2015 6:38 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest Listmailto:xxxxx
Subject: [ntdev] How to use the link command
I am sorry to be asking for such a basic question. I have not used this command for a looooong time and now what ever I do it does not work. I am using DDK version 7600.16385.1. When I do link -export:symbol *.sys or *.lib it keeps getting fatal error or unable to read etc … I recall in the olden times when I typed link -export -? it would give me three options. Now it does not. Basically I want to see the exported symbols in a driver or a library. There was also a hidden option which link -? did not expose. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Please answer with an actual usage and output.
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Yes thank you and one more thank you. Yes it was /dump /exports. My problem solved and this case might be closed. Doran once more thanks.