I am really new in windows nt kernel mode debugging. Now, I just start
already install the DDK follow up the installation (after SDK and VC).
Anyway, I probably have the most stupid question because I could not even
run the command “build -cef”. I always get the same error
“last line incomplete” after the name of the include file when I ran the
build command. My operating system is windows NT workstation.
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Mostly you needn’t worry about those messages. They are simply “noise”
created by how the include files are generated for a release. There are
utilities on www.osr.com, etc. to eliminate the noise, but they do not
hinder a build. Once all the"nooise" settles down you should see your files
compile and link, and then warnings and error messages become significant.
Gary G. Little
Staff Engineer
Broadband Storage, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: SaraH Chen [mailto:xxxxx@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 11:09 AM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] HELP!!!
I am really new in windows nt kernel mode debugging. Now, I just start
already install the DDK follow up the installation (after SDK and VC).
Anyway, I probably have the most stupid question because I could not even
run the command “build -cef”. I always get the same error
“last line incomplete” after the name of the include file when I ran the
build command. My operating system is windows NT workstation.
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Well, you are not alone. The rest of the world gets also that WARNING, but they all ignore it.
You might ask “Why would MS release the DDK with all of those warnings?”. That is a very
good question.
PS. If it really bothers you, you could insert newlines into all of the files. You could even write the
4 line perl script to fix that.
----- Original Message -----
From: “SaraH Chen”
To: “NT Developers Interest List”
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 2:08 PM
Subject: [ntdev] HELP!!!
> I am really new in windows nt kernel mode debugging. Now, I just start
> already install the DDK follow up the installation (after SDK and VC).
> Anyway, I probably have the most stupid question because I could not even
> run the command “build -cef”. I always get the same error
> “last line incomplete” after the name of the include file when I ran the
> build command. My operating system is windows NT workstation.
> Thanks
> SaraH
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I had to do a small amount of editing of the batch files to make things
work on my system.
The steps I perform to make things work, are I run vcvars32.bat to
register the VC variables, and I then run setenv.bat from the ddk\bin
directory, with the parameters d:\ddk checked (or free). I don’t run the
platform sdk setenv.bat b/c it overwrites environment variables that
were set inside my nt environment. The basic thing that must done is a
trace of the batch files as you run them, for me the problem was a mixup
between having long file names for %mstools% and then calling in the
batch files without quotes around the call, and sometimes the
environment variables wouldn’t have a trailing slash, and the call
assumed they did.
Also the “last line incomplete error” doesn’t mess up the build, and if
you build with build -cefz, then the z tells it not to check those
files, but either way, it will still build the files properly.
Oh, and I believe you may need to make changes to the file
ddk\inc\makefile.def …
-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of SaraH Chen
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 8:09 PM
To: NT Developers Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] HELP!!!
I am really new in windows nt kernel mode debugging. Now, I just start
already install the DDK follow up the installation (after SDK and VC).
Anyway, I probably have the most stupid question because I could not
run the command “build -cef”. I always get the same error
“last line incomplete” after the name of the include file when I ran the
build command. My operating system is windows NT workstation.
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