
i have a hang situation with machine frozen. i attach windbg, and brek in,
i see all threads hung and all stacks show


how do i proceed with debugging this deadlock?

i am n programer, but it guy.

this is 64bit os.

if u need other information i will provide…

See this MSDN page: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff540592(v=vs.85).aspx

The 2nd argument of keWaitForMultipleObjects are the resources waiting for. Checking it can help to find out the confliction.

You can check the IRQL when calling keWaitForMultipleObjects in first. Please refer the MSDN. Calling keWaitForMultipleObjects at IRQL > APC_LEVEL with wrong paraments will cause deadlock.