Getting NBT.SYS to bind to transport driver


I’m writing a NT TDI transport driver.

I’m currently having problems getting Netbios/NBT to automatically
bind to this driver, and the DDK docs are seriously unclear.

I’m making the assumption that Netbios messages are forwarded to
NBT.SYS as TDI messages. NBT.SYS does whatever is necessary and then
forwards the (repackaged) messages via TDI to my (transport) driver.

I’ve some questions:

In the DDK, the section on TDI Driver Initialization talks about
creating device objects based on the names in the registry section
Linkage:Export. Typically this name is something like


If I try to create this device, I get error 0xC000003A
(OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND). What am I misunderstanding?

In particular, anyone got any ideas of how NBT is finding out what
lower level drivers to attach to (I assume it does a CreateFile).
I note that in the registry entry it has the following linkage entries

Bind: \Device\El90x1
Export: \Device\NetBT_El90x1
OtherDependencies: Tcpip

So, does NBT talk to Tcpip – if so, how does it know what device
name to use?

Any insights gratefully received!



Jason O’Broin, Member of Technical Staff, Server Products Group
Wind River Networks, 500 Wind River Way, Alameda, CA 94501-1147 USA
Phone: +1 (510) 749 2466 Fax: +1 (510) 749 2914 Email: