I have created a file system driver that maps unused sectors of a USB mass
storage to a second drive. (I did this so that the driver may ultimately
support encryption of the extra sectors.) My driver “piggy-backs” off of the
existing driver (USBSTOR.SYS) by sending IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH along the
lines of the following pseudo-code:
// #
// # Initialization procedure
// #
// Get USB driver name
GetDeviceObjectPointer(ucDeviceName, FILE_ALL_ACCESS,
&pdx->pTargetFileObject, &pdx->pTargetDeviceObject);
// Register interface
// Enable interface
IoSetDeviceInterfaceState(pdx->InterfaceString, TRUE);
// #
// # IRP_MJ_READ Handler
// #
ULONG ulSize;
// Allocate
ulSize = sizeof(SCSI_PASS_THORUGH) + ulReadBufferSize;
pspt = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, ulSize);
// Build request
pIoctlIrp = IoBuildDeviceControlRequest(IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH,
pdx->pTargetDeviceObject, pspt, ulSize, pspt, ulSize, FALSE, &event,
// Call driver
IoCallDriver(pdx->pTargetDeviceObject, pIoctlIrp)
I can test my IRP_MJ_READ handler using a user specified IOCTL and confirm
that my IRP_MJ_READ handler is reading and returning the proper sectors, but
when I let my driver respond to an actual IRP_MJ_READ request from Windows,
IoCallDriver never returns. (Even though TimeOutValue is 0x02.)
I was wondering if anyone could explain any differences between the flow of
IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL event and an IRP_MJ_READ event so that I might
understand why the IoCallDriver call doesn’t return (I’m guessing it
blocks). Also, does anyone have any techniques for dealing with driver level
functions that do not return.
Thanks for any help that can be provided.
Thomas McCormick