Version of the Debugging Tools for Windows has been released.
This is the final version 3 release. Thanks to all those who reported
bugs and helped us make Windbg a tool that contains the features and
stability that you need. We hope to offer more significant improvements
with version 4.
You can d/l it from
Please report bugs and suggestions to - your
direct line to the whole debugger team
Here are some highlights of what this version can do
* Runs on NT4 (x86), Win2k, WinXP (both x86 and IA64 machines)
* Can debug user mode processes (both 32-bit and 64-bit)
* Can debug kernel mode for NT4, Win2k and WinXP (x86 & IA64)
* Can debug kernel mode and user mode crash dumps
* Source level debugging of every target
* Can debug any target that implements eXDI
* Non-invasively attach to user mode process - allows some
debugging even if the process is being debugged by another process
* Better support for fibers (.fiber command)
* Better support for looking at different saved execution contexts
(.cxr, .trap, .tss, .ecxr)
* Better support for looking at different process/thread contexts
when kernel debugging (.process, .thread)
* Bugcheck analysis with !analyzebugcheck
* Improved documentation
* Support to add timestamps to debug prints (.echotimestamps)
* Built in remoting support to share a debugger session across a
network (.server)
* Process server which allows one to allow the debugger to debug
processes on a different machine
* Filtering of output with .ofilter
* The ability of a processes being debugged to send commands to
the debugger with .ocommand
* Symbol server support which allows symbols and binaries to be
indexed for lookup by the debugger. No more having different symbol
paths for different OS versions
* Better symbol problem troubleshooting support with “!sym noisy”
* Addition of a scratch pad to Windbg
* Windows XP specific features
* Ability to detach from a debugged process without
killing it (qd command)
* Local kernel debugging which allows windbg/kd to run on
the same machine that it is debugging (limited basically to memory reads
similar to LiveKD from the “Inside Windows 2000 book”)
* Kernel debugging over 1394 in addition to COM ports
* The ability to send a driver over the wire to a kernel
mode target during boot. Thus eliminating 1 reboot in many driver
development iterations. (.kdfiles)
* The ability to page in memory on the target when kernel
mode debugging (.pagein)
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