I have compiled the raw sFilter sample as provided by the latest IFS ( Win 2003 Sp1 ), I have set it’s DebugFlags to 3 so I could see the devices it is being attached to and file creation notifications, apparently, notification for all FS drives are being generated EXCEPT notifications for the local HD… may this be a BUG with the sFilter sample? may I be donig something wrong here?
Note that this doesn’t happen with the FileSpy sample…
Activating file system FEECC648 “\Device\WebDavRedirector” (NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Attaching FEC57960 to file system FEECC648 “\Device\WebDavRedirector” (NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system FEE02030 “\Device\LanmanRedirector” (NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Attaching FEC57838 to file system FEE02030 “\Device\LanmanRedirector” (NETWORK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system FEEBB680 “\FileSystem\UdfsCdRomRecognizer” (CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system 816D0738 “\FatCdrom” (CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM)
Attaching FEED5C60 to file system 816D0738 “\FatCdrom” (CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system FEECF030 “\Cdfs” (CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM)
Attaching FEED5B38 to file system FEECF030 “\Cdfs” (CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system FEE0D368 “\FileSystem\NtfsRecognizer” (DISK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system FEE98748 “\FileSystem\UdfsDiskRecognizer” (DISK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system 816D0850 “\Fat” (DISK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Attaching FEED5A10 to file system 816D0850 “\Fat” (DISK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system 817052E0 “\Device\RawDisk” (DISK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Attaching FEED58E8 to file system 817052E0 “\Device\RawDisk” (DISK_FILE_SYSTEM)
Activating file system 817051C8 “\Device\RawCdRom” (CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM)
Attaching 81724798 to file system 817051C8 “\Device\RawCdRom” (CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM)
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