Encryption between driver and user-mode application

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to driver development, but I currently have a fairly simple driver working and communicating with a user-mode C++ app via IOControl calls. What I’d like to do is encrypt these calls, but I’m having trouble tracking down a suitable library that can work easily in both the kernel-mode driver and the user-mode application. It only really needs fairly basic functionality (pretty much asymmetric encryption + session keys), but I’d rather not write one myself if options exist since that’s time consuming and I’d likely make a mistake somewhere.

I’ve had a quick try with libsodium, but that is reluctant to cooperate in the driver. Is libtomcrypt worth a try despite it’s lack of maintenance? Would standard OpenSSL be the best bet?

Thanks for any suggestions or sharing of experience.

First, why are you wanting this? Once the data is in either the application
or the driver it will be unencrypted so what problem are you trying to

If you do want to do this, have you looked at Bcrypt support which is
available in both the user and the kernel.

Don Burn
Windows Filesystem and Driver Consulting
Website: http://www.windrvr.com

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com
[mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 12:15 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Encryption between driver and user-mode application

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to driver development, but I currently have a fairly simple
driver working and communicating with a user-mode C++ app via IOControl
calls. What I’d like to do is encrypt these calls, but I’m having trouble
tracking down a suitable library that can work easily in both the
kernel-mode driver and the user-mode application. It only really needs
fairly basic functionality (pretty much asymmetric encryption + session
keys), but I’d rather not write one myself if options exist since that’s
time consuming and I’d likely make a mistake somewhere.

I’ve had a quick try with libsodium, but that is reluctant to cooperate in
the driver. Is libtomcrypt worth a try despite it’s lack of maintenance?
Would standard OpenSSL be the best bet?

Thanks for any suggestions or sharing of experience.

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Brcrypt is probably your best bet…BUT who are you are protecting yourself against? Once decrypted in kernel mode, I can see the clear text in the kernel debugger (or with shenanigans, in another driver)

-----Original Message-----
From: xxxxx@lists.osr.com [mailto:xxxxx@lists.osr.com] On Behalf Of xxxxx@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2014 9:15 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] Encryption between driver and user-mode application

Hi all,

I’m fairly new to driver development, but I currently have a fairly simple driver working and communicating with a user-mode C++ app via IOControl calls. What I’d like to do is encrypt these calls, but I’m having trouble tracking down a suitable library that can work easily in both the kernel-mode driver and the user-mode application. It only really needs fairly basic functionality (pretty much asymmetric encryption + session keys), but I’d rather not write one myself if options exist since that’s time consuming and I’d likely make a mistake somewhere.

I’ve had a quick try with libsodium, but that is reluctant to cooperate in the driver. Is libtomcrypt worth a try despite it’s lack of maintenance? Would standard OpenSSL be the best bet?

Thanks for any suggestions or sharing of experience.

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To clarify both Don’s and Doron’s shorthand: You can use the MSFT crypto package. Google BCryptEncrypt for one example of a function call.

To amplify what they both said: What are you trying to achieve by encrypting the data exchanged between an app and a driver. I’m pretty comfortable speaking for my good friends when I say “we suspect this will not achieve what you think it will”… but we’re only guessing at your goals. So, we’re asking.


Thanks for the replies guys.

The goal behind encryption is to authenticate the user-mode process, and I figured a logical way of doing it would be through public/private keys. The encryption itself is something of a bonus, even though it can, as you say, be defeated with some effort.

Might there be a better way of authenticating the application?

xxxxx@gmail.com wrote:

Thanks for the replies guys.

The goal behind encryption is to authenticate the user-mode process, and I figured a logical way of doing it would be through public/private keys. The encryption itself is something of a bonus, even though it can, as you say, be defeated with some effort.

Might there be a better way of authenticating the application?

There is no way to authenticate the application. Are you trying to
validate that the application is allowed to open the handle? Or are you
trying to authenticate every ioctl sent to the handle?

You need to remember that application space is not secure. I can go
read and write the memory of any process I want. Heck, I can go run
your process in a debugger, or in another process simulating a
debugger. So, whatever you are doing in your application can be
monitored and duplicated.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

I like the idea of using public/private keys for authentication. That makes sense. The Windows Cryptography libraries (BCryptXxxx) should help, though I’ve never done it (we’ve only used the Windows libraries for symmetric encryption services here to encrypt data).

If your app is a SERVICE, you can secure access to your driver using a Service SID.


> If your app is a SERVICE, you can secure access to your driver using a Service SID.

Thanks Peter for mentioning virtual service accounts, which are probably not widely understood.

I really like virtual service SIDs/accounts, and they seem poorly documented. I just did a google search on ?msdn virtual service account? and nothing in the first few pages looked very promising. Virtual service accounts are useful to improve system security and it would help if people didn?t have to dig so deep to find documentation about them (hint hint Microsoft doc team).

Virtual service accounts were added in WIndows 7/Server 2008 R2.

If the OP wants to carefully control access between a device and a service, he could set the security of the device to only allow access from the virtual service account, which should restrict access to only the matching service. If system is not added to the device ACL, I believe services running as system will not have access to the device either. This doesn?t prevent someone from replacing the binary for the service with malware, which you could do if you have administrator access, although it does prevent two services from both claiming to be running in the same virtual service account, so you could perhaps detect tampering attempts. A service and driver could exchange some authentication tokens, although it seems like someone with administrator access has access to the service binary, and as a result can potentially find the key/algorithm used for authentication, and fake it. A driver could look at the calling process, find the loaded module, and run it?s own hash f the nodule and check of a digital signature. Malware would not be able to fake the signature on the service binary. It still seems like there are ways one could fake the identity of if the calling process, assuming malware could install a driver, which would only take administrator account access.

The FAQ on virtual service accounts goes something like…

Virtual service account SIDs have a value based on a hash of the service name, so you can pre-calculate what their value will be and use them for setting security in other places. This also means for a specific service name, the SID value is the same across different machines and it means you can set security using the SID before the service is even installed. Normal account SIDs for named accounts are dynamically generated, and change from machine to machine and each time they are created.

On the downside, virtual service accounts don?t show up in any lists of accounts, which means if a GUI components wants to display a list of valid accounts for setting some security, it leaves out service account names. Many parts of the GUI do the right things when explicitly given an account name in the form ?NT Service\someServcieName?. You can also get the system to calculate the stable virtual service account SID for a service name using the command ?sc -showsid aServiceName?.

I believe you can use virtual service SIDs (not sure about using virtual service account names) to set security via an INF SDDL string, which allow full SDDL, but unfortunately you can’t use them for an SDDL string set from driver code, which uses a limited SDDL subset. I?m not sure why you can?t use an explicit SID from a SDDL string in driver code, as I believe it has all the information needed to generate the binary security descriptor.

Also note that virtual service SIDs/accounts, which are machine local, are different than domain managed service accounts which can only be used for one service across the domain, on only one machine.

One of the huge security screw ups on Windows has always been the rampant use of system and administrator accounts for things that don?t need it. Running a service in the default system account gives it access to almost everything, running it in a virtual service account gives it access to almost nothing, which means you need to explicitly make things accessible to the virtual service account. If a service running in a virtual service account is taken over by malware, the damage it can do to the system is vastly less than if the service was running as system.
