Hi everyone! I am getting in trouble with HLK testing on New Windows11 24H2 about DRIVER_ISOLATION_VIOLATION. I want to create PortName to Registry 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM’ in pnp.c (My program same as Window driver example on Github for W11 22H2) I caught the error that
- "Registry operations should not use absolute paths. Detected creation of unisolated registry key..."
- "Registry operations should only use key handles returned from WDF or WDM APIs. Detected creation of unisolated registry key...".
Does anyone could tell me the way to solve that problems. Thank you!
Did you define your driver as "Windows Universal"? Don't do that. That concept is dead. Just make it "Windows Desktop".
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The HLK now treats both static (INF) and runtime writes to the path HKLM\HARDWARE as an error, so they won't be signed. It is still possible to use the 22h2 HLK for as long as that's accepted for signing submissions
I ran on 22H2 then install driver on 23H2 and meet BSOD about error of Registry operations should not use absolute paths. Detected creation of unisolated registry key... "
Are there any way need to change because we have to release Universal version only. I see the INF file in example change from DIRID 12 to 13.
Hi Sir, I see you in the github repository. Could you told me what can i fix in my code to pass this test on W11 24H2. I see the newest example code of "serial" change from DIRID12 to DIRID 13 in INF file, is there the way to fix? Thank you!
It sounds like you've got driver verifier enabled, which has a plugin to detect access locations and causes a bugcheck
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Yeah thats right. You mean if I turn it off, I can run the driver normally right?
Yes, you should. I also double checked and we're going to be adding a driver verifier exception for this particular path in an OS update soon.
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Sir, in the future if I write value into this registry I can pass HLK test as normal right?
Why? I find that very hard to believe, and suspect you might simply have misunderstood. Windows Universal has virtually no use any more. Serial ports are not part of a Windows Universal system.
Ah Yeah, I have misunderstood. I understand now!!!