I used the basic scanUser.c from Microsoft’s site. I get the following
error, and I cannot understand why.
C:\Scanner File System Minifilter Driver\C++>scanuser.exe
Scanner: Connecting to the filter …
ERROR: Connecting to filter port: 0x80070002
I tried to use fltmc to diagnose. It seems there is no port open for it.
C:\Scanner File System Minifilter Driver\C++>fltmc
Filter Name Num Instances Altitude Frame
luafv 1 135000 0
FileInfo 4 45000 0
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Brett Cunningham
How did you install the associate Scanner filter? The sample description has
pretty clear instructions:
“Brett Cunningham” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd…
I used the basic scanUser.c from Microsoft’s site. I get the following
error, and I cannot understand why.
C:\Scanner File System Minifilter Driver\C++>scanuser.exe
Scanner: Connecting to the filter …
ERROR: Connecting to filter port: 0x80070002
I tried to use fltmc to diagnose. It seems there is no port open for it.
C:\Scanner File System Minifilter Driver\C++>fltmc
Filter Name Num Instances Altitude Frame
------------------------------ ------------- ------------ -----
luafv 1 135000 0
FileInfo 4 45000 0
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Brett Cunningham
Between this list (all the archives) and Google, I was able to get it
working. Thank you guys very much. My biggest problem was just not
recognizing the build environment settings weren’t set right…
On Mon, Oct 6, 2014 at 9:45 AM, Scott Noone wrote:
> How did you install the associate Scanner filter? The sample description
> has pretty clear instructions:
> http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowshardware/Scanner-
> File-System-426c8cbe
> -scott
> @OSRDrivers
> “Brett Cunningham” wrote in message news:xxxxx@ntfsd.
> …
> I used the basic scanUser.c from Microsoft’s site. I get the following
> error, and I cannot understand why.
> C:\Scanner File System Minifilter Driver\C++>scanuser.exe
> Scanner: Connecting to the filter …
> ERROR: Connecting to filter port: 0x80070002
> I tried to use fltmc to diagnose. It seems there is no port open for it.
> C:\Scanner File System Minifilter Driver\C++>fltmc
> Filter Name Num Instances Altitude Frame
> ------------------------------ ------------- ------------ -----
> luafv 1 135000 0
> FileInfo 4 45000 0
> Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
> Brett Cunningham
> —
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