Hello All
Where can I find proper and complete
documentation of Display Driver Management Layer …
It is too short in the online documentation of DDK
at osr.com…
May be the Microsoft DDK Developer Reference suite
has it or…
Thanks in anticipation
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You can find this on microsoft site and NT5DDk. You can search on MSDN also.
Let me know, what problem you are facing so that I can help you.
===== Original Message From irfan bashir =====
>Hello All
> Where can I find proper and complete
>documentation of Display Driver Management Layer …
> It is too short in the online documentation of DDK
>at osr.com…
> May be the Microsoft DDK Developer Reference suite
>has it or…
> Thanks in anticipation
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Actually I have searched through MSDN and Microsoft .
msdn and msdn online give the same 2 topics regarding
DDML which are not sufficient by any means.
Actually I have made a remote control desktop
Capture application ( Ithink many of them are out
there , u got the idea ) . But my approach is not fast
enough when there is video being played on the remote
pc. It looses some frames. May Be DDML features some
efficient mechanism. BTW My primary concern is to make
my application more efficient in terms of realtime
remote display.
By the way I will search fro the latest DDK
documentation , if i find it.
If u know any useful links , kindly help me.
— Girish Desai wrote:
> You can find this on microsoft site and NT5DDk. You
> can search on MSDN also.
> Let me know, what problem you are facing so that I
> can help you.
> Thanks,
> Girish
> >===== Original Message From irfan bashir
> =====
> >Hello All
> > Where can I find proper and complete
> >documentation of Display Driver Management Layer …
> > It is too short in the online documentation of
> >at osr.com…
> > May be the Microsoft DDK Developer Reference
> suite
> >has it or…
> > Thanks in anticipation
> >
> >
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Hello :
I have searched through the Win2000 Sp1 DDK … But
couldnot find any helpful material…
the problem I have , as it is written in MSDN that
we can use DDML for mirroring output to remote display
units for desktop conferencing… I just want to
acheive the same functionality
— Girish Desai wrote:
> You can find this on microsoft site and NT5DDk. You
> can search on MSDN also.
> Let me know, what problem you are facing so that I
> can help you.
> Thanks,
> Girish
> >===== Original Message From irfan bashir
> =====
> >Hello All
> > Where can I find proper and complete
> >documentation of Display Driver Management Layer …
> > It is too short in the online documentation of
> >at osr.com…
> > May be the Microsoft DDK Developer Reference
> suite
> >has it or…
> > Thanks in anticipation
> >
> >
> >Do You Yahoo!?
> >Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail -
> only $35
> >a year! http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/
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