I am testing a storage driver for data verification. Following is the test
- Write data
- Read and verify the data
- Disable/enable the storage device
- Read and verify the data
- Iterate the steps 3 & 4 100 times
With driver verifier *disabled* steps 1 to 5 data verification passes.
With following driver verifier settings *enabled*, data verification *fails* in
step 5 after a certain number of disable/enable sequence. Verifier settings
enabled :
*Special pool, Pool tracking, Force IRQL checking, I/O verification,
Deadlock detection, DMA checking, Force pending I/O requests, IRP Logging,
Miscellaneous checks*
How do I go about finding whether it is driver verifier issue? or driver
Note: We tried a combination of verifier settings to find out the setting
that caused the failure: remove verifier setting one by one until the
number of settings reduced two. Steps 1-5 passed when tested with reduced
number of verifier settings.