Hi Doron, All
Good news that I can put all features in one driver.
The link contains the following code fragment:
case CmResourceTypeConnection:
{ // Check against the expected connection types.
UCHAR Class = pDescriptor->u.Connection.Class;
UCHAR Type = pDescriptor->u.Connection.Type;
Strange. I’m using 7600.16385.1 and no CM_RESOURCE_CONNECTION_CLASS_SERIAL
nor CmResourceTypeConnection is defined.
I’m looking for a sample code explains how to see my UART as a COM port.
Should I use src\serial\serial example ?
Thank you in advance,
From: Doron Holan
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2014 6:13 PM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: RE: [ntdev] COM port WDF driver for Win7-64
Why not put the extra stuff in the same driver? If it is based on real hw,
it isn’t virtual
Bent from my phone
From: Zvi Vered
Sent: ý12/ý16/ý2014 8:00 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] COM port WDF driver for Win7-64
I have to write a WDF driver for FPGA that implements a 16550 UART.
I want that the driver will be in the Device Manager under “Ports” and will
allocate a virtual (?) com port.
Should I use this link ?
This FPGA has also other functions (e.g on\off, reset) that does not relate
to the UART.
Is it possible to write another driver for this FPGA that will implement the
not-UART features ?
Best regards,
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