Hello developers!
I have a few questions about the cache and about the Master File Table =
- Do you know, how can I disable the cache on a given volume?
- Do you know, how can I re-read the Master File Table from the disk?
Explanation: I need to re-read the Master File Table not from the cache. =
I need it from the disk.
I didn’t know how can I disable the cache on the given volume, so I can =
read the MFT record from the disk.
I didn’t know how can I force the NTFS file system to re-read it’s MFT =
In http://www.sysinternals.com I’ve found a source of a defragmentation =
software, which is using FSCTL_READ_MFT_RECORD.
I’ve tried to use this FSCTL, but it returns allways INVALID_FUNCTION =
(1). I didn’t know, if it is working, of course, how this FSCTL reads =
the record. From the cache or from the disk.
If somebody knows something about this, please help!