I am working on a development project that requires me to support booting my
code from bootable CD. I would very muck like to use no emulation mode, but
I can get away with floppy boot support as long as I can configure the
floppy any way I wish. I have a boot image that is around 4K. I can copy
this to a floppys physical starting track and boot from it like I would
I just purchased the Adaptec Easy CD professional delux whiz bang version
because the box states that it support bootable CD creation; HA!
The boot support must be a floppy of hard disk and must be formatted using
FAT. This means that the software is not directly reading the physical disk
when making the copy. This severly limits the functionaliyt of boot support
in the software. My floppy is just a bunch of secotrs that contains BIOS
only code.
My question is this: Is there a profesional CD authoring software package
that can automate making bootable CD? I can handcraft an ISO9660 image file
and burn it, but that is far too tedious.