Assigning Drive Letter/Symbolic Link in User Mode [Re-visited!]

Hi All,

I had posted this to Ntfsd. So if you are receiving it a second time(being a
member of both lists), pls pardon me. :slight_smile:

Platform NT\Win2k:

We are trying to partition a Hard Disk and format it . For
FAT12\16\32 …the On disk structure White Paper from MS was used to do the
formatting. For NTFS there is no such info available. Do you have any?

So we are hoping to rely on the Un-documented …FormatEx
function in fmifs.dll. {For more info on this chk out}. This requires to have a drive letter. of the form
How can we assign such a DL to a newly created partition in Win2k? For NT,
we can use the DefineDosDevice to give a symbolic name ie
\Device\HarddiskM\PartitionN to the new Drive letter G:\ and use the G: in
the FormatEx .

But in Win2k the symbolic names are in the form \Device\HarddiskVolumeN. …

can i still use the NT style sym names ???

Pls share ur thoughts …

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: “Buschle, Mark” <
> Subject: [ntfsd] Assigning Drive Letter/Symbolic Link in User Mode
> > Hello Everyone,
> >
> > I am creating a partition in User Mode on Windows 2000. This works
fine. I am now looking into assigning a Drive Letter/creating a Symbolic
Link to
> > the partition. I can get this to work using DefineDosDevice(), but I
> > under the impression that under Windows 2000 SetVolumeMountPoint()
> be
> > used. With DefineDosDevice, I can use \Device\Harddisk0\Partition2
> the
> > mount point. Using SetVolumeMountPoint() this does not work. Does
> > have any ideas? Is there some translation I need to use in order to
> > SetVolumeMountPoint() access the RAW Partition?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Mark

“Not everything that counts can be counted;
and not everything that can be counted counts”
… Albert Einstein