A brief reminder: This is a NONCOMMERCIAL list

Just a brief reminder from your ever-devoted NTDEV List Slave: This is a
NONCOMMERCIAL list. That means that nobody is allowed to post grossly
commercial solicitations to this list. Nobody is allowed to advertise their
products via this list.

There’s a very fine line here, obviously. Providing useful information to
the kernel driver development community is certainly legitimate. For
example, when somebody asks “What’s the best way for me to learn how to
write a driver?” I suppose it would be perfectly legitimate for me to answer
“Take one of OSR’s seminars.”

On the other hand, if I answered every single question with “…and that’s
why you should take one of our seminars” that would be very much pushing the
policy to its limit.

Seeing some of the postings over the last couple of weeks, I just thought I
would, ah, “help” some of our newer members understand the policy.

NTDEV List Slave

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