Minifilter - IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION uses

I’ve seen in MSDN that minifilter can intercept SET_INFORMATION events, but from scouring GitHub and other source repos I didn’t find any use cases

from what the FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS suggests this event can do many things like set rename information (maybe rename a file?)

would really appreciate if someone can enlighten me on this (maybe you got some source code example?)

Microsoft provides a large collection of driver samples:
For example:

The delete minifilter illustrates how to detect deletion of files and streams.
It monitors IRP_MJ_CREATE requests for the FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE flag. Also, it detects IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION
requests for setting FileDispositionInformation/FileDispositionInformationEx

FYI for future folks
this is an example of a minifilter used to detect renames using FileRenameInformation

As you said, in this case IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION callback will be invoked . you don’t need complete source code example, you just need check that

Data->Iopb->Parameters.SetFileInformation.FileInformationClass == ClassType in a if condition and then switch between all fields of the FileInformationClass