Callback Object behavior in hibernate

Had a question regarding usage of callback objects to communicate between two drivers . I have driver A and B , and A needs to notify B of some event during boot up and resume from hibernate .

What we do is both drivers call ExCreateCallback on same device object name during boot once and driver A notifies driver B as part of its D0Entry .
I wanted to ask what the behavior would be in below scenario.

  1. Driver A and Driver B both are in hibernate (D3 state)
  2. Driver A resumes from hibernate first ,gets D0 entry and notifies all registered clients for the callback object by calling ExNotifyCallback within its D0entry routine.
    Driver B still is in D3 right now, hasn’t begun resume process .
  3. Driver B gets its D0 entry now.
    Had two question in this scenarios
    A . Are these callback routine dependent on driver D0 states , what I mean to ask is will Driver B have its registered callback routine invoked if Driver A notifies even before driver B has
    moved to D0 state?
    B . If the answer to above is yes then will driver B “miss” processing the notification from driver A since even though its callback was invoked it wasn’t in D0 state when this happened.

Are these callback routine dependent on driver D0 states

No, they are not.

They are, in fact, entirely unaware of the D State of your device. You can “know” (or, “suppose”) this by the fact that these are WDM calls in your WDF driver. D State management of your device is handled in WDF.
