Thread suspended while in callback

Suspending and resuming userland threads is done by means of the latter, which has absolutely nothing to do with your driver callbacks

That’s incorrect, Thread suspension is implemented using normal kernel APC and can suspend code in kernel mode too…
As a proof, I wrote code that suspends a thread from user mode while the thread is in kernel mode (The suspension APC runs when the thread is inside PspCreateThread):

0: kd> kc
 # Call Site
00 nt!KiSwapContext
01 nt!KiSwapThread
02 nt!KiCommitThreadWait
03 nt!KeWaitForSingleObject
04 nt!KiSchedulerApc
05 nt!KiDeliverApc
06 nt!KiCheckForKernelApcDelivery
07 nt!KeLeaveCriticalRegionThread
08 nt!PspCreateThread
09 nt!NtCreateThreadEx
0a nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd
0b ntdll!NtCreateThreadEx

Some driver callbacks are called inside a critical region (like process, thread and image callbacks) so the suspend APC will only be delivered after the callback has finished (so the driver will be able to unload) - That’s why I was wondering which scenario the OP is talking about…

That’s incorrect, Thread suspension is implemented using normal kernel APC and can suspend code in kernel mode too…

In order to realize that it cannot work this way, all you have to do is to consider the scenario when the target thread owns some kernel resource that can be owned at PASSIVE_LEVEL (for example, a “simple” mutex). Imagine what happens if this thread gets suspended by some external means from the userland, and the suspending thread eventually exits without having resumed the target one…

As a proof, I wrote code that suspends a thread from user mode while the thread is in kernel mode

Could you please expand it a bit. To begin with, unless your code happens to be running in context of the target thread, how can you possibly know what the said thread is actually doing at the moment you are trying to suspend it???

Anton Bassov

In order to realize that it cannot work this way, all you have to do is to consider the scenario when the target thread owns some kernel resource that can be owned at PASSIVE_LEVEL (for example, a “simple” mutex). Imagine what happens if this thread gets suspended by some external means from the userland, and the suspending thread eventually exits without having resumed the target one…

So as far as I understand to solve the issue you’re referring to most (if not all?) PASSIVE_LEVEL locks enforce one of the following:

1 - You must disable normal kernel APC before being able to acquire the lock (for example: ERESOURCE, PUSH_LOCK, KMUTEX…)
2 - Acquiring the lock causes the IRQL to be raised to APC_LEVEL (FAST_MUTEX, KGUARDED_MUTEX…)

This article contains a good explanation about it:

Could you please expand it a bit. To begin with, unless your code happens to be running in context of the target thread, how can you possibly know what the said thread is actually doing at the moment you are trying to suspend it???

Let me just send the code I used in my tests. I developed a driver that sleeps inside a thread creation callback of a specific thread, so I know the state of the creating thread when I suspend it… hope it will clarify:

    _In_ HANDLE ProcessId,
    _In_ HANDLE ThreadId,
    _In_ BOOLEAN Create
    NTSTATUS Status;
    ULONG_PTR ThreadStartAddress;
    LARGE_INTEGER Interval = { 0 };

    if (!Create)

    Status = QueryThreadStartAddress(ProcessId, ThreadId, &ThreadStartAddress);
    if (ThreadStartAddress == 0x13131313) {
        Interval.QuadPart = RELATIVE(SECONDS(20));
        KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &Interval);

    __in PDRIVER_OBJECT Driver


    __inout PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,

    DriverObject->DriverUnload = DriverUnload;
    return PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine(CreateThreadNotifyRoutine);

User program:

DWORD Thread(PVOID ThreadParam)
    DWORD ThreadId;

    HANDLE ThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (PVOID)0x13131313, NULL, 0, &ThreadId);
    if (!ThreadHandle) {
        printf("CreateThread failed\n");
        return -1;

    return 0;

int main()
    DWORD ThreadId;

    HANDLE ThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Thread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId);
    if (!ThreadHandle) {
        printf("CreateThread failed\n");
        return -1;


    if (SuspendThread(ThreadHandle) == -1) {
        printf("SuspendThread failed");
        return -1;

    printf("Waiting to unload...\n");
    return 0;

In this case, the APC will only trigger after the thread notification callback has finished because PspCreateThread enters a critical region… And that’s the callstack I sent above. (I simply dumped the callstack of the suspended thread)

Also note that if you put a breakpoint on nt!KiDeliverApc you can see that the target thread has an APC waiting in the kernel mode queue of APCs, thus the caller of the APC used the KernelMode argument when calling KeInitializeApc - this can be seen by disassembling nt!KeInitThread as well…

Let me just send the code I used in my tests. I developed a driver that sleeps inside a thread creation callback of a specific thread,
so I know the state of the creating thread when I suspend it… hope it will clarify:

You seem to be totally confused about the whole thing…

First of all, once you have registered your callback with PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine() and not with PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutineEx(),
your callback gets invoked in context of a creating thread, right. Once you are calling KeDelayExecutionThread() in your callback, you
simply put the creator thread to rest for the period your have specified. There is no relation to your userland call to SuspendThread() whatsoever. If you registered your callback with PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutineEx(), it would be invoked in context of the newly-created thread, so it would be a newly-created thread who went to sleep, and still there would be no relation to SuspendThread() call whatsoever.

So as far as I understand to solve the issue you’re referring to most (if not all?) PASSIVE_LEVEL locks enforce one of the following:

1 - You must disable normal kernel APC before being able to acquire the lock (for example: ERESOURCE, PUSH_LOCK, KMUTEX…)
2 - Acquiring the lock causes the IRQL to be raised to APC_LEVEL (FAST_MUTEX, KGUARDED_MUTEX…)

You understand it all wrong…

The reason why these calls disable APC delivery is because they deal with synch constructs that cannot be acquired recursively. If a thread
that owns such a construct gets interrupted by an APC and tries to acquire a construct that it already owns in context of an APC callback, it is going to deadlock. This is why APC delivery to the owner thread has to be disabled. It has absolutely nothing to do with suspending the target thread by the external means…

The most interesting thing here is that your code, in actuality, demonstrates why suspending a thread that runs in the kernel cannot be done.
You don’t seem to be calling ResumeThread() , do you. Therefore, if the newly-created thread had acquired some resource like semaphore
(which, BTW, does not disable APC delivery) or had to signal an event and you suspended it before it had done this part, it would not simply have a chance to ever do it. As a result, the system would be left in inconsistent state…

Anton Bassov
Anton Bassov

Anton Bassov

There is no relation to your userland call to SuspendThread() whatsoever

I suspended the CREATOR thread, the one that’s sleeping in my driver - take a look at the code again… The APC is executed right after APC delivery is enabled after the callback…

I suspended the CREATOR thread, the one that’s sleeping in my driver - take a look at the code again…

Of course you did not suspend it - the only thing that you did was delaying its execution for a certain period of time by means of KeDelayExecutionThread() call. This function is the equivalent of userland Sleep() and not of SuspendThread(), which you are calling on newly-created thread.

What makes the difference between SuspendThread() and Sleep(),WaitXXX() and all other functions that put the calling thread to rest is that SuspendThread() puts the target thread to rest by the external means ( means of APC delivery). In actuality, the former relies upon the latter behind the scenes - SuspendThread() queues a user APC to the target thread, and APC handler that gets invoked in context of the target thread already calls some scheduler function that puts the calling thread to rest. For the reasons that I have mentioned in my previous posts, this part can be done only when the target thread is about to make a return to the userland

The APC is executed right after APC delivery is enabled after the callback…

Once you put currently running thread to sleep(which means you do it in context of the said thread), APC is simply irrelevant here

Anton Bassov

SuspendThread() queues a user APC to the target thread

Of course you did not suspend it - the only thing that you did was delaying its execution for a certain period of time by means of KeDelayExecutionThread() call

Did you actually read the code before telling me I’m all wrong?

First of all, you cannot argue with the debugger - NtSuspendThread queues a normal Kernel APC to suspend the thread:

0: kd> kc
 # Call Site
00 nt!KiInsertQueueApc
01 nt!KiSuspendThread
02 nt!KeSuspendThread
03 nt!PsSuspendThread
04 nt!NtSuspendThread
05 nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd
06 ntdll!NtSuspendThread
07 KERNELBASE!SuspendThread
08 SuspendKernelApc!main
09 SuspendKernelApc!_NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR <PERF> (SuspendKernelApc+0x17400f)
0a 0x0
0: kd> dx ((nt!_KAPC*)@rcx)->ApcMode
((nt!_KAPC*)@rcx)->ApcMode : 0 [Type: char]

ApcMode == 0 == KernelMode.

Secondly, about your claim that the thread is not suspended, let’s see:

0: kd> dx (void*)((nt!_KAPC*)@rcx)->Thread
(void*)((nt!_KAPC*)@rcx)->Thread : 0xffffe78a0a52b080 [Type: void *]

So the ETHREAD is 0xffffe78a0a52b080 - now we need to wait for the KeDelayExecutionThread to end (thread notification callbacks are called inside a critical region, so the sleep is inside a critical region now - The kernel APC runs after the thread notification callback finished)

1: kd> !thread ffffe78a0a52b080
THREAD ffffe78a0a52b080  Cid 1df4.0f58  Teb: 0000006d0146d000 Win32Thread: 0000000000000000 WAIT: (Suspended) KernelMode Non-Alertable
SuspendCount 1
    ffffe78a0a52b360  NotificationEvent
Not impersonating
DeviceMap                 ffffd78f7278ded0
Owning Process            ffffe78a0a425080       Image:         SuspendKernelApc.exe
Attached Process          N/A            Image:         N/A
Wait Start TickCount      131861         Ticks: 2325 (0:00:00:36.328)
Context Switch Count      4              IdealProcessor: 0             
UserTime                  00:00:00.000
KernelTime                00:00:00.000
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for SuspendKernelApc.exe
Win32 Start Address SuspendKernelApc!ILT+4940(Thread) (0x00007ff68bba4351)
Stack Init ffff948a9fca7c90 Current ffff948a9fca6970
Base ffff948a9fca8000 Limit ffff948a9fca2000 Call 0000000000000000
Priority 8 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 0 IoPriority 2 PagePriority 5
Child-SP          RetAddr           : Args to Child                                                           : Call Site
ffff948a`9fca69b0 fffff807`1f02fda0 : ffff948a`00000008 00000000`ffffffff 00000000`00000000 ffffe78a`09f18158 : nt!KiSwapContext+0x76
ffff948a`9fca6af0 fffff807`1f02f2cf : 00000011`000001f6 ffff948a`9fca7050 ffff948a`9fca6cb0 ffffe78a`09f182c0 : nt!KiSwapThread+0x500
ffff948a`9fca6ba0 fffff807`1f02eb73 : 0000006d`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000001`9fca6d00 ffffe78a`0a52b1c0 : nt!KiCommitThreadWait+0x14f
ffff948a`9fca6c40 fffff807`1f011ebd : ffffe78a`0a52b360 00000000`00000005 00000000`00000000 00001f80`01010000 : nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x233
ffff948a`9fca6d30 fffff807`1f032369 : 00000000`00000000 ffffe78a`0a52b080 ffffe78a`0a52b308 ffffe78a`0a52b118 : nt!KiSchedulerApc+0x3bd
ffff948a`9fca6e60 fffff807`1f10394b : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffdc9a`e57b7d86 : nt!KiDeliverApc+0x2e9
ffff948a`9fca6f10 fffff807`1f02e7af : 00000000`00000000 ffffffff`ffffff01 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiCheckForKernelApcDelivery+0x2b
ffff948a`9fca6f40 fffff807`1f465d12 : ffffe78a`09f18080 ffffe78a`0a425080 ffff948a`9fca77c0 ffff948a`9fca6fd4 : nt!KeLeaveCriticalRegionThread+0x2f
ffff948a`9fca6f70 fffff807`1f46582a : ffff948a`9fca72a0 ffff948a`9fca77a0 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 : nt!PspCreateThread+0x2a6
ffff948a`9fca7230 fffff807`1f1f7475 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!NtCreateThreadEx+0x23a
ffff948a`9fca7a90 00007ff9`d154c5a4 : 00007ff9`cee11f0f 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x25 (TrapFrame @ ffff948a`9fca7b00)
0000006d`016ff158 00007ff9`cee11f0f : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 : ntdll!NtCreateThreadEx+0x14
0000006d`016ff160 00007ff9`cf84b57d : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThreadEx+0x29f
0000006d`016ff6e0 00007ff6`8bba95f9 : 00007ff6`8bc73088 00007ff6`8bba4351 00000000`00000000 00007ff6`8bba4351 : KERNEL32!CreateThreadStub+0x3d
0000006d`016ff730 00007ff6`8bc73088 : 00007ff6`8bba4351 00000000`00000000 00007ff6`8bba4351 00000000`00000000 : SuspendKernelApc!Thread+0x79
0000006d`016ff738 00007ff6`8bba4351 : 00000000`00000000 00007ff6`8bba4351 00000000`00000000 0000006d`016ff764 : SuspendKernelApc!`string'
0000006d`016ff740 00000000`00000000 : 00007ff6`8bba4351 00000000`00000000 0000006d`016ff764 cccccccc`cccccccc : SuspendKernelApc!ILT+4940(Thread)

As you can see, the thread was suspended in the middle of executing PspCreateThread. SuspendCount = 1, inside nt!KiDeliverApc.

You cannot argue with the kernel debugger…

We’ll let Mr. @anton_bassov and Mr. @0xrepnz continue their discussion (OK… I admit it., while we try and figure out the OP’s issue.

@kern … You wrote:

callbacks are mostly called at PASSIVE_LEVEL, and thus the thread in which they run can be suspended

Please clarify, exactly, what you mean by “suspended” and how your callback thread could get into this state?


First of all, you cannot argue with the debugger

Sure. However, you still need to give a proper interpretation to the results that it presents, and, as we will see it shortly, this is not really the case here.

So the ETHREAD is 0xffffe78a0a52b080 - now we need to wait for the KeDelayExecutionThread to end (thread notification
callbacks are called inside a critical region, so the sleep is inside a critical region now - The kernel APC runs after the thread notification
callback finished)

I really hope you are not going to argue that all this happens in context of the creating thread, are you. This thread may, indeed, be receiving the kernel APCs for the various reasons. Now the most “exciting” part comes in…

Did you actually read the code before telling me I’m all wrong?

Actually, I did…

In case you still have any doubts about it, let’s look at your code one more time

HANDLE ThreadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, Thread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId);

I hope you are not going to argue that 'ThreadHandle" variable refers to the newly-created thread, are you. Now look how you use this handle

if (SuspendThread(ThreadHandle) == -1)

So which of them do you think you are suspending, judging from the above code alone - a creator thread or a newly-created one???

Therefore, let me “redirect” your question. Did you actually read your OWN code before trying to give an interpretation to the debugger output (in fact, before starting this nonsensical argument, in the first place) ???

Anton Bassov

Please read the code again… - MainThread creates SecondThread - SecondThread creates ThirdThread - SecondThread gets into a sleep inside the thread creation callback in the driver. - MainThread suspends SecondThread - After the sleep finishes, the suspend kernel APC executes (While the code is in PspCreateThread)

Oops. what I have overlooked is the following part

CreateThread(NULL, 0, (PVOID)0x13131313, NULL, 0, &ThreadId);

Look what you are actually doing. The main thread creates a child thread and goes to sleep for 3 seconds, which is a sort of infinity, by the computer standards. After that, it tries to suspend the child.

Meanwhile, its child creates a a thread at some arbitrary address in the middle of nowhere. Assuming that this call succeeds, your app has all chances in the world to crash and burn long before main thread even has a chance to suspend it child, right.

Anton Bassov

your app has all chances in the world to crash and burn long before main thread even has a chance to suspend it child, right.

No, the kernel driver puts the second thread into a sleep for 20 seconds so the suspend APC WILL EXECUTE. If you really want this app not to crash afterwards, You can do the following:

RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)0x13131313, "\xeb\xfe", 2);

@anton_bassov I’m going to stop this discussion now. You have all the information to conclude that NtSuspendThread queues a Normal Kernel APC and that it’s possible to suspend kernel code from user mode, while the kernel code is not inside a critical region… So the problem the OP describes does exist… If you still think I’m wrong then show some evidence for that

No, the kernel driver puts the second thread into a sleep for 20 seconds so the suspend APC WILL EXECUTE.

Your app is going to crash immediately after the third thread attempts its userland execution and returns to the user mode, because its userland start address is invalid. Your driver goes to sleep in context of a thread creation notification callback, which is not meant to control the newly-created thread’s execution, so that it may start running before the callback returns control (in fact, even before your callback gets invoked). Therefore, your app may well crash while the second thread still sleeps. In fact, it does not really matter, as we will see shortly.

If you really want this app not to crash afterwards, You can do the following:

But you did not do anything, did you. Therefore, if your app did not crash, the only conclusion that can be made is that thread creation has failed, for some reason…

You have all the information to conclude

Well, it looks like I am getting more and more info to conclude that you give the wrong interpretation to the debugger output…

Anton Bassov

Sorry for my delayed response, I thought my question was being ignored - apparently not. I appreciate all the replies!
Actually @0xrepnz understood what I meant - his example is very similar to what I encounter. Let me provide more details:

I register a callback to some file operation (mini filter). Inside the callback, I send data about the file operation to a user mode code and wait for it to respond (using KeWaitForMultipleObjects, not alertable) before letting the callback finish. I’m in the context of the thread which did the file operation (at least for some of the callbacks). During this wait, this thread gets a suspension APC.
Because of the wait, the kernel APC for suspending the thread is delivered, the thread becomes suspended and my callback doesn’t return.

I’ve tried entering a critical section around the wait - as this blocks APCs, however, upon exiting the critical section the OS triggers delivery of APCs, and again the thread becomes suspended.

Why is that a problem? because I sometimes need to unload the driver (upgrade, disabling of a feature). When I do that I have to make sure all the callbacks have finished because they reference my code and I cannot unload it.

@0xrepnz good point regarding .NET garbage collector.

There was another thread here with a similar problem, but it was not resolved:

Thanks again.

I register a callback to some file operation (mini filter). Inside the callback, I send data about the file operation to a user mode code
and wait for it to respond (using KeWaitForMultipleObjects, not alertable) before letting the callback finish. I’m in the context
of the thread which did the file operation (at least for some of the callbacks). During this wait, this thread gets a suspension APC.
Because of the wait, the kernel APC for suspending the thread is delivered, the thread becomes suspended and my callback doesn’t return.

Well, I’ve got to admit that I wasted plenty of time on this thread on explaining (unfortunately, without any success, as I can see) something that the official documentation describes with a SINGLE sentence

[begin quote]

Suspending a thread causes the thread to stop executing user-mode (application) code

[end quote]

As you see it yourself, the problem (at least the way it has been presented) simply does not exist, because suspending a thread affects only its userland execution.

Your problem arises not because of suspending a thread but because you make your driver code wait for the response from the userland,where everything, indeed,may happen. For example, your target thread may get externally suspended by some third-party app.

Therefore, it presents yet another example of a security issue that may potentially arise if you make your driver directly depend on the userland app…

Anton Bassov

So… again, NOT reading the argument between Mr. @anton_bassov and Mr. @0xrepnz … But just reading the comments above:

IF the problem the OP has is that an APC is delivered that results in the user’s thread being suspended… isn’t that the purpose of Critical Regions? We explain that here.

If the problem is something else… OK.


@anton_bassov I see your point (and thank you for investing time in this thread - it’s really appreciated!). However, I do see that kernel execution is being suspended as well, here is the flow:
callback begins (in thread context) → I enter critical section → I wait for user mode → wait is satisfied, kernel execution continues → I exit critical section → APCs are delivered and kernel execution is suspended (exiting critical region triggers delivery of APCs).

I’m seeing this problem in practice, not in theory. @“Peter_Viscarola_(OSR)” since I exit the critical region before the callback is done, I still get suspended while I’m inside the callback…

Thanks for you replies!

One solution to this issue is to have some driver that’s always loaded in memory and this driver will not get updates - and the driver that’s always in memory can enter a critical region and invoke the second driver, then when the callback is done you can exit the critical region - In my opinion that’s pretty “extreme” solution for a rare issue so not sure it’s worth it…

callback begins (in thread context) → I enter critical section → I wait for user mode → wait is satisfied, kernel execution continues
→ I exit critical section → APCs are delivered and kernel execution is suspended (exiting critical region triggers delivery of APCs).

I’m seeing this problem in practice, not in theory

Are you sure there is no diagnostic mistake here? To begin with, SuspendThread() is not the kind of call that you would normally see all over the place. It is normally used by the debuggers, and is often used hand-in-hand with SetThreadContext() (this is apart from the documentation
making it clear that only userland execution is affected by this call). Probably, this is something entirely different (like, for example, kernel APC handler simply goes blocking on some event that gets subsequently by some kernel component)? This scenario is, indeed, perfectly feasible (in fact, quite likely).

If this is the case…well, then it has absolutely nothing to do with suspending a thread…

Anton Bassov

1 Like

Probably, this is something entirely different

OK maybe some other source can convince you. For example, @“Scott_Noone_(OSR)” wrote in this thread:

As long as the CombinedApcDisable field in the KTHREAD is zero the kernel
APCs can be delivered. I forced it to happen in a VM to get a call stack by
putting the thread into an infinite loop and then suspending it using
Process Explorer. Here are the steps and the resulting call stack:

kd> bp Nothing!NothingRead
kd> g
fffff801`66bf61b0 4889542410 mov qword ptr [rsp+10h],rdx
kd> ??@$thread->Tcb.CombinedApcDisable
unsigned long 0
kd> ew @$ip 0xFEEB
kd> g

Thread is now taking up 100% CPU. Now suspend the thread using Process
Explorer and check the call stack:

kd> k
*** Stack trace for last set context - .thread/.cxr resets it
# Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00 ffffd001`8ebc64a0 fffff803`3d250d7e nt!KiSwapContext+0x76
01 ffffd001`8ebc65e0 fffff803`3d2507f9 nt!KiSwapThread+0x14e
02 ffffd001`8ebc6680 fffff803`3d2788d0 nt!KiCommitThreadWait+0x129
03 ffffd001`8ebc6700 fffff803`3d24d64c nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0x2c0
04 ffffd001`8ebc6790 fffff803`3d24e279 nt!KiSchedulerApc+0x78
05 ffffd001`8ebc67f0 fffff803`3d374723 nt!KiDeliverApc+0x209
06 ffffd001`8ebc6870 fffff801`66bf61b0 nt!KiApcInterrupt+0xc3
07 ffffd001`8ebc6a08 fffff803`3d605788 Nothing!NothingRead
08 ffffd001`8ebc6a10 fffff803`3d603336 nt!IopSynchronousServiceTail+0x170
09 ffffd001`8ebc6ae0 fffff803`3d37b1b3 nt!NtReadFile+0x656
0a ffffd001`8ebc6bd0 00007ffc`38420caa nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13
0b 0000009d`fd31fa28 00007ffc`358f83a8 ntdll!NtReadFile+0xa


Moreover, YOU YOURSELF wrote here:

My question , thread suspension is implemented by User mode APC or Normal Kernel mode APC.

I would say by the kernel-mode one - this is the reason why APC delivery to a thread that holds kernel-level synch construct that allows preemption should be disabled. Just a couple days ago we discussed a scenario when thread gets suspended by UM app while running in the KM, which may result in a deadlock if it holds synch construct that allows preemption at the moment ( I just could not miss my chance to criticize Windows yet another time, could I)…

If you cannot be convinced by this, not sure what will convince you… I personally think the most convincing one was this:

0: kd> kc
 # Call Site
00 nt!KiInsertQueueApc
01 nt!KiSuspendThread
02 nt!KeSuspendThread
03 nt!PsSuspendThread
04 nt!NtSuspendThread
05 nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd
06 ntdll!NtSuspendThread
07 KERNELBASE!SuspendThread
08 SuspendKernelApc!main
09 SuspendKernelApc!_NULL_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR <PERF> (SuspendKernelApc+0x17400f)
0a 0x0
0: kd> dx ((nt!_KAPC*)@rcx)->ApcMode
((nt!_KAPC*)@rcx)->ApcMode : 0 [Type: char]