AppcertDLLs do not work in GUI apps

Hi, I was trying to automatically inject a dll to every process (including GUI) whenever it is started by a user . My DLL hooks DoDragDrop method of winapi and communicates with server to decide allow or disallow the drag & drop process. I use easyhook (particularly this tutorial) for hooking part. I created a gist for my code : Gist: In thisurl it says: Doesn’t work reliably against GUI applications. Stick to console apps. No wonder it didn’t work in microsoft edge, and chrome. I also tried code parts in these urls: first second Finally , I already certificatedmy dll. Is there any other way apart from appcertdlls? Thank you in advance. Edit: I can’t use appinitdlls, some users might have secure boot enabled. Edit2: Seems like dlls in some tutorials is under system32 (this, and this) , and I moved [mine] ( under system32 too, but it did not work. Looks like embedding urls from mobile does not work.

PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutine can be used.