There’s a New WDK — Version “Windows Server 2022” (and now Windows 11)

I discovered last week that a new WDK has been released. This was a surprise cuz I usually “hear about these things” a bit in advance.

It seems to work… but the bug in which the rules database drop downs are not populated in VS still exists.

Anybody else have any observations, helpful, or otherwise, about the new WDK?


Mr. @BenStaniford wrote in another thread (where it was, ahem, off topic):

I notice there’s now a new Windows 11 WDK:
Anyone tried that? I assume this is the official version that will remain the same for the OS release?

Wow. I hadn’t seen this. Another WDK. That I didn’t know about.

So, yeah…. I have no idea how/if this is different. Any feedback will be helpful.


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There are now two ‘latest’ WDKs and HLKs, one set each for windows ‘11’ and
Server 2022. Thanks Microsoft!

Mark Roddy