RtlStringCchPrintfExW vs _snwprintf

Due to a bug in VS2019, we got many unresolved for _snwprintf_s. I tried to replace all “_snwprintf” with RtlStringCchPrintfExW but it did not work, the error still appears. After doing some Google research I found the solution #define _NO_CRT_STDIO_INLINE // VS2019 JUNE BUG lead to unresolved vswprintf, even if not used at all.
Now I can use again my _snwprintf_s as it was before.

However I want to know your oppinion what you prefer using “_snwprintf_s” or "RtlStringCchPrintfExW " in a kernel driver?

HOpe you can advise,
kind regqards

I don’t see how it possibly matters. I’ve never fully understood why the kernel team reinvented the wheel as it was.

This post made me laugh… Just a few weeks back, I had the same wonderful experience, and wound up with:

I, personally, am over the “safer yet more annoying” string handling variants. If you were to ask me my professional opinion, I’d probably say their use is a best practice. But do I typically use them? No…


ETA: Incidental to that code clip I posted… Why is there no standard define for the length of Config Space? But that’s another question entirely…


Thx for your comments! As I said the problem is solved. A point is that MS is just looking into, but does not inform developers about that issue. After you know what #define you have to use it is easy but it takes time to find

OFFS I think I just smacked into this. To be clear: you don’t have to ‘upgrade’ SDK/WDK kits? You just have to update VS2019?

It “just showed up” one day. I quite literally have no idea from whence it came. Come to think of it, it wouldn’t likely be a SDK/WDK update (I’m still using the Windows 10 2004 WDK)… so it MUST have been prompted by “just” a VS update. You know, one of the ones with 594 steps, that takes 15 minutes to install, and requires you to reboot your system afterwards. For a complier/linker update.


I’ve determined it is the VS update, not WDK/SDK. That is actually worse as it it potentially impacts building release branch builds. This is yet another example of why a production CI/CD environment for windows drivers should use the self-contained EWDK toolkits and not rely on the fragile integration of VS and WDK.

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Wisdom! Let us be attentive!

As per your original question:

_snwprintf_s - Writes formatted data to a string. These are versions of snprintf, _snprintf, _snprintf_l, _snwprintf, _snwprintf_l with security enhancements as described in Security Features in the CRT.

RtlStringCchPrintfExW - The RtlStringCchPrintfExW and RtlStringCchPrintfExA functions create a character-counted text string, with formatting that is based on supplied formatting information.

RtlStringCchPrintfExW and RtlStringCchPrintfExA should be used instead of the following functions:

  • sprintf
  • swprintf
  • _snprintf
  • _snwprintf

In drivers, I personally prefer to use functions like Rtl* (as the docs suggest). Unfortunately, I cannot show you the source code of this from Windows, but ReactOS is nice enough to show us a body:

 RtlStringCchPrintfExW(_Out_writes_(cchDest) _Always_(_Post_z_) NTSTRSAFE_PWSTR pszDest, _In_ size_t cchDest,_Outptr_opt_result_buffer_(*pcchRemaining) NTSTRSAFE_PWSTR *ppszDestEnd,
     _Out_opt_ size_t *pcchRemaining, _In_ STRSAFE_DWORD dwFlags, _In_ _Printf_format_string_ NTSTRSAFE_PCWSTR pszFormat, ...)
     NTSTATUS Status;
     size_t cbDest = cchDest * sizeof(wchar_t);
     va_list argList;
     if (cchDest > NTSTRSAFE_MAX_CCH)
         if (cchDest > 0)
             *pszDest = L'\0';
     va_start(argList, pszFormat);
     Status = RtlStringVPrintfExWorkerW(pszDest, cchDest, cbDest, ppszDestEnd, pcchRemaining, dwFlags, pszFormat, argList);
     return Status;

As you can see this takes advantage of the NTSTRSAFE. The function will use va_list and pass the work onto RtlStringVPrintfExWorkerWRtlpStringVPrintfExWorkerW which does everything inside the kernel.

Using RtlStringCchPrintfExW is most definitely the “safe” and “better” way to go.

RtlStringCchPrintfExW is no safer than _snwprintf_s. They have identical functionality with different spelling. The key is to use something safe, and not fall back to the old unsafe swprintf habits.

@Tim_Roberts said:
RtlStringCchPrintfExW is no safer than _snwprintf_s. They have identical functionality with different spelling. The key is to use something safe, and not fall back to the old unsafe swprintf habits.

I tend to disagree, as per Microsoft:

If you use the safe string functions instead of the string manipulation functions that are provided by C-language run-time libraries, you protect your code from buffer overrun errors that can make code untrustworthy.

Now in real life situations if this is different, it’s just Microsoft :smiley:

If you use the safe string functions instead of the string manipulation functions that are provided by C-language run-time libraries, you protect your code from buffer overrun errors that can make code untrustworthy.

This is referring to older the CRT functions that are not safe (IOW, the functions not ending in _s). Tim is correct, the RtlStringCch/Cb and RtlUnicodeStringCch/Cb functions all eventually thunk to some variant of the CRT safe function. At least they did when I added all the RtlUnicodeStringCch/Cb functions to ntstrsafe.h

‘safe’ here is a relative term. Even the most ‘unsafe’ version of these functions can be completely safe when used properly, but any function that relies on format strings is very hard to use completely correctly.

now the next thing that someone will say (or think) is ‘but the old old functions don’t even let you specify the size of the buffer that they will write into’ - any they will be right, but you actually don’t need to if you are careful. Every kind of things that you might write to a buffer this way, can have a known in advance maximum size. Any can therefore avoid any sort of possible buffer overrun if you analyze the code in minute detail

the point of these functions is that hardly anyone has the time or attention to analyze these things in enough detail and we want the safety that they provide for infrequently used code paths. The wrong format specifier can still cause an access violation, but buffer size is the most basic and therefore the subject of these safe versions of the function

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