С++ in kernel

Thanks Peter_Viscarola, as always…

Yea, looking forward to reading your NT article(s) on C++ in kernel mode !

I would very much appreciate it if I see what are the things in C++
that can be used with ease ( EASE ) without bending one’s head to
believe in the rituals :slight_smile:

For example — std::, algorithms etc. including others …



BTW, the reason I have interest in this topic —

Two years ago, we were embarking on a project that would be C++ based
cross platform ( Windows, MacOS, Linux being main ones ). Quite a few
kernel modules ( for each platform 5 to 7 ). And lots of codes in

Back then C++17 is making its place, and I was trying to see how I can
get a message passing module – used BOOST and saw there are quite a
bit of interesting features there ( quite a few of them are now in
C++17 ). Had to move back for some kernel hacks, but there are lot
more works in that … Looks like I would be back next year to take a
shot at it…

Intellectual property protection is what we do, or at least try to do :slight_smile:

So it would help a lot when I see some articles from horses mouth :slight_smile:


In my shop, we do C and C# in equal measure. Use the right tool for the right job. In at least the last 20 years, no one has presented any compelling argument to me why any part of C++ represents ‘super C’ or anything except a regression that has all the ways to hang oneself tat the old way has, but provides multitudes more as well.

To be sure C# has its own set of pitfalls as well

Now, what is the year when Linux got started ( i.e. porting Xinu or something after wholesale changes )???

What he actually did was providing his own implementation of UNIX (namely, its SVR2 version as described in Maurice Bach’s
“UNIX Operating System”), and used the MINIX source code in his project. He released it in 1991. You can check it if you wish.
It is available from kernel.org (IIRC , as version 0.01)

Perhaps early 90s in the lab, then around 94 or 96 it is out there !!!.. By then lot of people using C++/ Java is or already coming …
so why Linus did not conform to it… Whatever …

Actually, according to him, he tried to use C++ at some point.

[begin quote]

In fact, in Linux we did try C++ once already, back in 1992. It sucks. Trust me - writing kernel code in C++ is a BLOODY STUPID IDEA. The fact is, C++ compilers are not trustworthy. They were even worse in 1992, but some fundamental facts haven’t changed:

    the whole C++ exception handling thing is fundamentally broken. It's _especially_ broken for kernels.
    any compiler or language that likes to hide things like memory allocations behind your back just isn't a good choice for a kernel.
    you can write object-oriented code (useful for filesystems etc) in C, _without_ the crap that is C++.

In general, I'd say that anybody who designs his kernel modules for C++ is either

    looking for problems
    C++ bigot that can't see what he is writing is really just C anyway
    was given an assignment in CS class to do so.

Feel free to make up (d).


[end quote]

Anton Bassov

I read this somewhere before, thanks for putting it up here, Anton …
Perhaps things changed in Modern C++, waiting to read the upcoming NT
insider articles to see…
Pretty much everything is tied to std::<excpetion_handling>. And it is
still there, so runtime still think it can generate exceptions…

Exceptional C++, and More exceptional C++ ( little outdated) but a
good reference to understand what could go wrong, how to handle those

Back in those days, we were writing NDIS based drivers on Windows 98,
we were using all C memory mgmt API. Then RTL*() came and it was a
real joy, seriously. For C++ there are a lot of features that I would
love to use, if they take the excption_handler out or a way to disable
it all together :slight_smile:


Mr @MBond2 wrote:

no one has presented any compelling argument to me why any part of C++ represents ‘super C’ or anything except a regression

Really? So, you’re going to argue that strong type checking is a regression? Likewise, #define is better than constexpr? That having to code the number of elements in an array, and keep that consistent, is better than range-based for?

I’d love to hear that.


Shouldn’t the question be “Rust in kernel”?
We are in the 21st century.

In any case, I agree with Peter on:
“3. Full-On OO C++: This approach is what I think most C Language folks envision when they think of “drivers in C++” … and it makes them shudder. I don’t commonly see this approach anymore, except from folks who are on dev teams where OO is a way of life and they really hate thinking in C Language interface terms. Having seen, and tried to understand and debug, fully class-based, object oriented approaches to writing Windows drivers I can personally attest to how very painful this can be.”
It is great until you need to add more members to the team or pass your code to someone else.
But 1 and 2, make a lot of sense, in my opinion.

Best regards,

Shouldn’t the question be “Rust in kernel”?

Well, we _could _have that discussion, but probably in a separate thread.

FYI, it’s been done. Even I managed to write some mess in Rust and got DriverEntry to be called and DbgPrint to output stuff. But it’s a super-big mess right now. And you wind-up with a lot of “unsafe” code.


I’ve said in the past that the concept of a “Common Language Runtime for Kernel” makes a great deal of sense. Most drivers are largely plumbing around a core set of boilerplate modules. So, embed the boilerplate in a well-tested and proven CLRK, and now one can use any of the .NET languages to write drivers. C#, F#, IronPython all become viable. KMDF is an excellent prototype for the CLRK.

Plus, the acronym is already pronounceable…

the concept of a “Common Language Runtime for Kernel” makes a great deal of sense.

Interesting. I’d like to understand better. Would you say more about what this would do and how it would work?

For example – in MY mind – the primary issue for supporting C# in the kernel is garbage collection. And, while mapping the APIs would be painful we DO already have access to the necessary “goo” to enable it.

Similarly in Rust: To make an interface truly useful and Rusty the OS interface functions need to WORK like Rust functions, and therefore take and return appropriately Rusty parameters. For example, in Rust, the standard way to return status and data from a function is with a Result. So (ignoring the input arguments), we might have:

match WdfDeviceCreate(...) {
    Ok(device) => device,
    Err(err) => {DbgPrint!("WdfDeviceCreateFailed: {:X}", err);  Return(err)},

or, more colloquially (and foregoing the DbgPrint for the sake of brevity):

device =WdfDeviceCreate(...)?;

I think that’s right. One thing about Rust is that if you don’t use for it, like, two weeks, you forget everything you learned.

Anyhow, my point really is: How would CLRK help here?


@“Peter_Viscarola_(OSR)” said:
So, you’re going to argue that strong type checking is a regression? Likewise, #define is better than constexpr? That having to code the number of elements in an array, and keep that consistent, is better than range-based for?

Good points. Not surprising this question was greeted with silence. There are still a few out there that categorize all of c++ as evil even though they don’t know all that much about this ever improving language. You can show them something better than C like the above excellent points and they’ll refuse to think about it. They made a decision long ago not to use c++ and admitting now there is anything good would be an admission they were wrong, their advice is wrong, their code is not as good as it could have been, their productivity is suboptimal, and there were better ways they artificially denied themselves from using their entire career as they railed against it. For these people, c++ has to be worse in every way. Anything else is unthinkable. There seems to be fewer of these people every year and they are not as vocal as before. The tide has turned.

And as far as what linus thought about c++ remember this is the same guy who said “I don’t like debuggers. Never have, probably never will.” How many people ditch kernel debugging as evil because of his statement and refuse to touch them? Just imagine what that handicap would do to your productivity. It’s the same thing when you limit yourself to C.

NOP, this is absolutely false … The post was from a veteran , and
only to indicate that there are concerns, in particular C# pitfalls…
Nothing is silver bullet, unless they design is correct, know the

Yes use constant expression instead of #define. Use module import,
instead #include – no problem, they have benefits, and they have use
cases sure … just like inline etc.

No one saying C++ worse here, __ this is what I was trying to say,
don’t try to bend someone’s head into believing ritual(s)__.

It’s a complex language, and kernel debugging is even way way worse,
if design is wrong. No one has to be religious about it. Some of us
object to C++ uses lot more features than C++ stdandards, when the
situation warrants …


But type safety is no stronger in C++ than in C. Sure you have more different kinds of casts to screw yourself with, but how does that make it safer? Everything you can do wrong in C, you can still do wrong in C++ along with more stuff? By contrast, C# has actual type safety - yes there are unsafe blocks, but you need special compiler options to even allow them and even when you, the block is explicitly marked as unsafe. For example in C++ you can readily write

const char szABC = “ABC”;

p[42] = ‘Q’;

now you will say, that’s not the right thing to do in C++, and of course it isn’t, but it compiles! Which means that when checking and maintaining code, you have to consider the possibility that someone has written it this way. I spend almost all of my time reviewing and checking code written by others and doubtless this impacts my point of view

And so it goes on. Every bad thing you can do in C, you can also do in C++ plus more. Again, I might just be too dense to take this in, but I see no advantage in C++ versus C unless one goes all the way to C# - where the compiler / runtime provide true type safety and actually safe exception based error handling. Interfaces in place of multiple inheritance and generics in place of template classes. And lots of other productivity and reliability improvements too

but this thread should die. I’m not going to respond again unless we start discussing a proposal for a managed runtime for KM development or something more productive. It could probably be done, but large object garbage collection would be a major issue along with large sections of the system and other namespaces that would have to be restricted

@Tim_Roberts >I’ve said in the past that the concept of a “Common Language Runtime for Kernel” makes a great deal of sense. Have you heard about Singularity? (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singularity_(operating_system)) There was a time that MSFT had so much hype about C# that they tried to write an OS in a managed language. They even published the sources and docs - https://github.com/lastweek/source-singularity/tree/master/docs/Design%20Notes It was discontinued in 2008 though.

@MBond2 said:
const char szABC = “ABC”;

p[42] = ‘Q’;

C++ has 5 types of casts, C has just 1. The reason c++ casts are better is c++ casts describe exactly what they are doing to the reader and the compiler and thus are easier to understand their purpose and get more safety checks from the compiler. A C cast should never be used in c++ because it’s just a quick and dirty blindfold. This really comes through when using your example:

   The C way:  WCHAR* p = (WCHAR*)szABC;             // this compiles and you have a serious bug
   The C++ way: auto p = const_cast<WCHAR*>(szABC);  // this does NOT compile since szABC is 'char' not WCHAR...C++ just saved the day!

const_cast tells the reader and compiler the ‘const’ (or volatile) attribute is being removed, nothing more. const_cast is useful when dealing with libraries that did not properly specify const on function parameters and a number of these cases exist in the WDK. Let’s review the 5 powerful c++ casts:

bit_cast – new in c++20 and excellent for systems level work / protocol

As with anything else in c++ you don’t have to use any of these if you don’t want, but using the right cast for the job makes code more readable, bullet proof, and catching problems at compile time is excellent. Thus casting is just one of thousands of concrete, nuts and bolts ways c++ makes vastly improved device driver code.

Interesting. I’d like to understand better. Would you say more about what this would do and how it would work?

We have already established with KMDF that huge chunks of most drivers are common boilerplate code. That’s exactly the kind of thing that fits in the CLR model. A great deal of user-mode C# programming involves writing plumbing between system-provided CLR modules. At the most basic level, I can imagine KMDF itself as a CLR. Instead of WDFQUEUE and WDFDEVICE, you’d have:

    using System.Kernel.IoQueue;
    using System.Kernel.Device;
    using System.Kernel.Request;
    using System.Kernel.Memory;

    Memory buffer;
    request.RetrieveOutputBuffer( buffer, minsize );

You’re right that the memory model would be an issue. Since it is a common address space, you’d get certain economies of scale, because you wouldn’t need to manage a whole bunch of separate memory pools, but there would have to be some timing guarantees.

Have you heard about Singularity?

Singularity was a Microsoft Research project, which begat Midori… and actual OS incubation project, which after several years of aggressive development dies in 2014. Folks interested in OSes, and how languages can be applied to OS design, should enjoy reading Joe Duffy’s series of blog posts about Midori.

I worked on Midori for quite a while. I helped design the I/O Subsystem, and wrote the USB driver stack. It was one of the most interesting experiences in my career.

What Duffy’s blog posts highlight best, I think, is that the implementation language used for an OS can have an enormous influence on the OS design. It’s best when the implementation language directly supports fundamental OS concepts. And so it was with Midori, with the asynchrony, decoupling of user/provider, promises, and intrinsic safety.


one way of addressing some issues would be ‘stack based garbage collection’. What I mean by that is that rather than a global garbage collection scheme, one that tracks allocations made during a specific call path down and back up the stack that never get shared between threads (as never made visible by being stored in some kind of global data structure)

this would not address the stop the world problem, but if would help tremendously even in UM with the ephemeral object problem the GC deals with constantly

automatic reference counting (Aka rundown protection) let’s the GC decide when to collect, but another implementation could collect at the time of last reference removal. and this need not be done synchronously - which would be a problem of executing in arbitrary context - but could be done by enqueuing the to be freed block into a list to wait for a worker

How would CLRK help here?

Well, if we put all the hype aside and look at the whole thing objectively, this is, indeed,the question that has to be asked.

For example, how would it help you against the memory corruption that may be caused by improperly-programmed DMA?
Although it can help you against the one caused by the CPU (for example, a dangling pointer or overwritten buffer), it cannot do anything about a buggy driver that does not program its device’s DMA properly. Certainly, one may refer to IOMMU, but it is not a panacea. First of all, not every machine is equipped with the one. Second, and even more important, this protection may work only on the page basis. However, in order to screw the things up, a DMA transfer does not really need to cross the page boundary. All it has to do is write just a little bit beyond the end of the target buffer, and this part can be done without crossing the page boundary in some cases.

Another point to consider here is interrupt handling. How may CLRK possibly protect you from interrupt storm that is bound to happen
if an ISR for a level-triggered interrupt returns TRUE without actually disabling interrupts on the device?

Therefore, a buggy KM driver has all means to bring the system down anyway, so that there is nothing that can be done about it simply by offering its writer a managed language. Certainly, one may point out that, in actuality, there are not so many drivers that actually do DMA and handle interrupts (i.e. normally only the ones for the lowest-level PCI/PCIe devices). However, quite a few of these higher-level drivers (for example, USB ones or installable file systems) can be moved out of the kernel altogether.

In other words, the very idea of bringing the “safety net” to the components that are meant to be trusted by the very definition does not really seem to make that much sense

Anton Bassov

No computer language is going to fix buggy hardware.