С++ in kernel

Oh noes.

Here we go…

My -2,000,000,000 cents: of course you can. See KMDF source code on github.

Mark Roddy

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All of those things have actually been possible since the 20th Century. AVStream drivers have been written in C++ since Windows 2000, with constructors and destructors. The only change is that it is now officially blessed.

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Tnx, guys!
And what about using stl/boost - only proble in C++ exceptions?
I absolutely can’t use these libraries?

Well, I did say “ No C++ exceptions” … so, that would mean STL and boost are not allowed. As well as a significant amount of std, more importantly.

But you can used ranged for loops! Are you excited now? :wink:


Ok, Peter! And no one work around enable emulating of c++ exceptions in kernel?

And no one work around enable emulating of c++ exceptions in kernel?

Well… No. Maybe. Several people, somewhere, have tried to do this. There was even a reasonably complete implementation by… Google maybe? I can’t remember. It was ancient. But, basically, it comes down to “no.” Would you want to stake your driver’s correctness on some shite put together by some random organization?

In the bigger picture, who cares about the STL, specifically, anyways in 2020? It’s mostly been supplanted by std. But, no matter, you can’t use any of the std functions that raise, either.

So, RAII… good to go. UNIQUE_PTR… good to go. std::vector? Ain’t happenin’.


But you can used ranged for loops

Yes, but very limited in practice since the standard containers are mostly not usable. A container that is perfect for kernel development and range based for statements is std::array, which is a better, safer C array and is exception free. But as the header files bundled with the WDK are so ancient there is no std:array with them. But one can always make their own custom containers and allow use of range based for statements on them.

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So, RAII… good to go. UNIQUE_PTR… good to go. std::vector? Ain’t happenin’.

And this is precisely what I hate about the “kernel C++” subject. For any C++ construct, I have to stop reading and think, is this allowed?
What dirty magic trick can do this thing under the covers? (calling code? allocation? placing stuff in wrong section?)
(Maybe an automated verification tool could help here…)

So far, kernel C++ is not helping save time for code reviews, hampers readability, and without most of powerful library stuff and coding patterns based on that stuff, it is pointless.

Only one thing makes me jealous about c++: template and constexpr tricks that allow folding strings and complex expressions at compile time.

  • pa

I did encounter a “C++ exceptions in the kernel” library written by one of the major former luminaries in this field. It did some very … um … unorthodox things. I set it down and backed away slowly.

What wrong in std::vector that it doesn’t work in kernel? Allocation? Wrong section? Please help me understand this!

What wrong in std::vector that it doesn’t work in kernel? Allocation?

It’s documented to raise an exceptions. No C++ exceptions in the kernel. Hence no std::vector.


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Yes, but very limited in practice since the standard containers are mostly not usable.

It works for plain arrays… so, at least there’s that.

C++ is confusing, ugly, and so overwrought with features it is ridiculous. And… I admit, C++ is probably the world’s second worst system implementation language… THE worst is, of course, C.

So far, kernel C++ is not helping save time for code reviews, hampers readability, and without most of powerful library stuff and coding patterns based on that stuff, it is pointless.

That sounds like a statement from somebody who has not much tried using it, within some reasonable bounds.

Strong type checking, by itself, is sufficient reason to write your code in pretty much standard C and add a .cpp file type.

Also,”constexpr” is undoubtedly an improvement over #define, and we use it this way as much as possible.

There are some very good cases for using std::unique_ptr as well, and (in general) RAII classes that “automatically destruct” when they go out of scope. It’s not something I use in every driver that I write, but — given that I firmly believe try/finally is an evil construct — when I have something that needs allocation, initialization, use, and then some complex destruction at the end of the function… it can be super handy. The challenge to this in a driver that is otherwise pretty much normal C is writing enough in-line documentation to prevent future maintainers from going nuts. There’s also the problem of one person’s “it would be tidy to make an RAII class of this here” is another person’s “I can’t believe they added all this shite and made the code more complex! Just clean-up properly at the end of the function!”

It’s OK… we’ll all be writing drivers in Rust soon, so we won’t have to have this debate much longer. (Picture me rolling my eyes and shaking my head as you read that last sentence… Its meant to be a joke, not an insider hint.)


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Ok, what about open sources implementation of stl, for example - eastl? Perhaps there can remove the use of exclusions for use in the kernel?

Not realistically, no.

No matter what you do, you’re left with problems like this:

std::vector x;
x.insert(x.end(), 1);
x.insert(x.end(), 2);
int y = x[9];

There’s no way to return anything to signal an error there. It all still
ends in abort() or thereabouts.


Perhaps there can remove the use of exclusions for use in the kernel

I think that’d be a great project for you to undertake.

When you get that done, please be sure to post back here and let us know how it all turned out.


There are implementations of STL that do not throw exceptions, and rumor has it they can be used in the kernel. I’ve always been a little wary of those; STL tends to be pretty free with memory, and memory churn in a driver is undesirable.

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we’ll all be writing drivers in Rust soon, so we won’t have to have this debate much longer.
Yes, Rust. The new Microsoft’s toy. As it already has become a tradition, others look where Microsoft goes, then rush in the opposite direction.
The same will happen with Rust, mind my word.

– pa

@mm About your example - C++ language exceptions are very different from “asynchronous” exceptions, aka signals. The latter generally may occur when the program state is corrupted (like memory overwrite) so should not be recovered by a language exception handler. So it’s not a good example here.
– pa

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@“Peter_Viscarola_(OSR)” said:
It works (range based for loops) for plain arrays… so, at least there’s that.

Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Cool.

Ok, If I’m right, then there’s no problem using stl even with exceptions, if you write code in a certain way, just don’t allow expressions that can throw exceptions…?)