storage options for a driver

Are there any storage (secure or not) options for drivers other than the registry to store some configuration data?

Well registry is the normal approach. A driver can read and write files, if there is a need. And of course if the device the driver is written for has storage it is possible to data there.

Thank you. File is an option. Is that universal driver complaint? Non-storage driver can’t use NVMe if available correct?

Well, yes it’s universal driver compliant…ZwCreateFile and friends work everywhere.

I’m not sure what you mean about NVMe. You’re going to create a file. And write to it. And read from it. It doesn’t matter what the underlying storage controller is, any more than if you were calling fopen, fwrite, and fread.

By the way: what do you not like about using the Registry?


Thanks. Nevermind the comment about NVMe.

Alright, we will ignore it. But i don’t think you should ignore Peter’s question about the registry. in generall, reading config from files is a less secure and more bug prone method. Remeber that before the registry existed, there were ini files and they were ‘obsoleted’ and ‘integrated’ about 25 years ago.

The registry has issues too, don’t get me wrong, but how many times do we have to reinvent the wheel