Method to send IO commands to different ports of an HDD connected to a SAS controller.

I am looking for ways to independently connect to the different ports of a SAS drive.

Is there a windows mechanism similar to SCSI passthrough mechanism where we can specify the ports, so we can have a different path from application to each port to perform I/O operation?

Is there a way to use GET_Initiator() command to achieve this?

In Linux we are able to create two nexus to each drive port. How can we achieve this in Windows?


It has been a long time, but I think first the HBA has to support dual
ported SAS drives, and then it has to also provide a mechanism (in windows
anyway) to prevent both ports being presented as independent disks to
windows. In other words, this ends up being vendor specific. The HBA I
worked with had commands to reserve/release ports, allowing us to build a
dual ported FT solution on top of that HBA.

Mark Roddy