Finding driver crash reports

Is anyone here able to access driver crash reports? They used to be available in an “Analyze” panel on the left-hand side of the Hardware Dev Center. From what I understand this has moved to “Microsoft Collaborate,” which seems to be a separate “Program” under the Partner Center. When I try to sign up for it, I get the usual “You aren’t an Azure AD admin” response. When our admin tries to sign up using the administrator account, it gives him a form to fill out name, e-mail address, etc. Upon submission he gets a “Sad Robot” error screen that says “Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.” He reported this using the feedback link a month ago and thus far has received no response. Attempts to join the program this morning achieved the same result. Can anyone give me some hints on getting this thing going?

Anyone using driver crash reports that are collected by MS?

Mr. Jones… Did you not read the forum guidelines that say “don’t continue threads that are more than 30 days old”??

Please start a new thread.
