HLK DirectedFx test

Has anybody successfully tested a driver for DFx? We finally have a computer which supports AoAc but the test crashes during a cleanup. It seems as the device passes the test but then the test crashes (sorry for the picture, our QA sent me this instead of the log…):

I’m not sure what to do with it, the error is STATUS_HEAP_CORRUPTION so I presume a bug in the test tool but I haven’t seen it myself, yet.

New test. The test devs probably couldn’t find a system that supports Modern Standby either


Who tests the tests? :wink:

I checked the log and it seems the DFx test really passes but you know, it isn’t easy to explain something like this to customers :-/

DFX Transition Count: 2
Total Cycles = 3, Passed Cycles = 3, Failed Cycles = 0


it isn’t easy to explain something like this to customers

LOL… depends on the customer, right? If they’re an OEM they almost certainly already know how very annoying and arbitrary the HLKs can be… so I bet they’d be good with it.

At least an OEM could use their clout to get the tests fixed. Nobody listens to driver devs anymore…


LOL… depends on the customer, right? If they’re an OEM they almost certainly already know how very annoying and arbitrary the HLKs can be… so I bet they’d be good with it.

Right. In my experience managers just want to have tests passed. Technical people are different story but in our case the communication is between managers.

At least an OEM could use their clout to get the tests fixed. Nobody listens to driver devs anymore…

That’s right and we went this way several times in the past but also nobody wants to do the work for somebody else.

Well, let’s be constructive :wink: What is the rigth way to report such a problem nowadays? I didn’t report bugs to MS for long years and things change.


Hi @Michal_Vodicka,
May I ask the general device type you are testing? I’m trying to add DFx support for a USB device driver and not having much luck so far, even after adding the WdfDirectedPowerTransitionEnable registry entry and moving to SystemManagedIdleTimeoutWithHint.
My device still doesn’t show up in the list of devices supporting DFx that is returned by pwrtest /directedfx.


USB fingerprint sensor. What I did was:

  • adding HKR,"WDF","WdfDirectedPowerTransitionEnable",0x00010001,1 line to Device_AddReg INF section
  • setting PowerPolicy.IdleTimeoutType to SystemManagedIdleTimeoutWithHint

Surprisingly, our driver is the only one on the whole system which can be selected for DFx test (QA tried all as they wanted to compare the test outcome, no luck)
