Messagetable conflict trying to use both ETW and driver generated rc

Am adding etw logs to a driver. And when i am using manifest file to generate .rc and header. But in my driver, i have WPP logs also and corresponding rc file.
So when i compile the driver, it gives me linking error.

CVTRES : fatal error CVT1100: duplicate resource. type:MESSAGETABLE, name:1, language:0x0409
LINK : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt

I am using visual studio 2019. As i looked into other topics which are similar to it asking to add different options like

But how to add these as Visual studio project, as i don’t have any make file for this. Please help.


please help here. if anyone else able to resolve this issue.

You can include the dynamically generated RC file in your existing RC file. See the OSRFX2 WDK sample:

Hi Scott,

Both the rc files are generated dynamically. One RC file generated from MC and other one generated from manifest file.
So, am not able to resolve this. And i get this linker error with 18362 eWDK and when i build on Visual Studio with 18936 eWDK, i don’t get this error.
So please help to resolve this issue with backward compatibility.


Have another static RC that includes both the dynamic ones?

Both have the same number reference, so even adding a new static rc didn’t help.

1.rc - this is generated from manifest file for etw
LANGUAGE 0x9,0x1
1 11 “rev_etw_evts_MSG00001.bin”
1 WEVT_TEMPLATE “rev_etw_evtsTEMP.BIN”

2.rc - this is generated from .mc file for driver logs
LANGUAGE 0x9,0x1
1 11 “drvlog_MSG00001.bin”