GPIO test

I tried to install the sample driver of simdevice below at GPIO of Windows-driver-samples-master without any modification.
The system crashed.
The project name: sim.sln
Used command is: devcon install simdevice.inf ACPI\TEST0003
Can anyone tell me how to test it?

Thanks in advance.

tatuo wrote:

I tried to install the sample driver of simdevice below at GPIO of Windows-driver-samples-master without any modification.
The system crashed.

Used command is: devcon install simdevice.inf ACPI\TEST0003

And that’s why it crashed.  “devcon install” is among the most dangerous
commands in the world of Windows, because it does not actually do you
think it does.  It should have a different name. What that command did
is create a fake device called ACPI\TEST0003, and then cause your driver
to be loaded for it. Because it is a fake device, it isn’t backed by any
hardware, so your driver was not given any resources.  Kaboom.

Can anyone tell me how to test it?

Unless you control the BIOS for your computer, you can’t really test
it.  The doc for that samples tries to say that, but obliquely.  It’s an
example, demonstrating the concepts.  Did you notice the
GpioSampleKMDF.asl file in the sample?  That file is trying to show you
how you could modify the DSDT in your BIOS to expose GPIO pins to a
device called TEST0003.  Assuming you had put that in your BIOS (which
you probably can’t do), then there would automatically be an
ACPI\TEST0003 device that your driver could handle, and that driver
would be given the resources described in the ASL file.

If your computer has GPIO pins, there is probably a way to access them
without modifying the BIOS DSDT.  Are you working with an IoT platform?

Dear Tim

Thank you very much for your help.
I understand.
What a fool thing I did! I think There is no GPIO device in my computer.

Thanks again.