Instructions on tracelogging with kernel drivers

Hello everyone,

I have declared and defined a TraceLogProvider in my kernel driver along with a bunch of TraceLogging messages. The instructions for viewing those TraceLogging events in WinDbg during a live debug session is not clear. I have tried to follow instructions based on these 2 pages from MSDN.

which says I have to use logman start TraceSession -ets -mode KernelFilter -bs 3


which I have to use to create a WPRP file to register my Trace Provider.

Right now, with my driver installed and working, logman query providers does not list my driver as a trace provider. I am also not seeing any TraceLogging events in WinDbg.

Also, if I have to register my TraceProvider using wevtutil, how do I do that during driver installation?

Please help!


(Cross-posted on WDK forum on MSDN).

I have never viewed TraceLogging traces in WinDbg. I usually use KdPrint or WPP to view in Windbg, and use TraceLogging for recording detailed scenarios.

However, I think you should be seeing your provider, either by name, or by GUID, once your driver is running.

Make sure you called TraceLoggingRegister(g_hMyProvider); in DriverEntry (and TraceLoggingUnregister appropriately)

If you’ve done this, the provider self registers itself, and the first message sent, has the manifest encoded, so you don’t need wevtutil.

If it takes more than 5 minutes to enable logging then there is something
distinctly lacking in the logging facility.

Mark Roddy

I could not get the WPR recorder to work following the directions. I ended up using logman to start/stop the trace and then the WPA analyzer to view the results.

Bill Wandel

Try this WPRP file. Just replace with your GUID

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WindowsPerformanceRecorder Version="1.0" Author="Microsoft Corporation" 
    Copyright="Microsoft Corporation" Company="Microsoft Corporation">
    <EventCollector Id="EventCollector_DummyCollector" Name="DummyCollector">
      <BufferSize Value="1024" />
      <Buffers Value="256" />
	<EventProvider Id="EventProvider_DummyMyProvider" Name="GUID_GOES_HERE" NonPagedMemory="true">

    <Profile Id="Dummy.Verbose.File" Name="Dummy" Description="Dummy" LoggingMode="File" DetailLevel="Verbose">
        <EventCollectorId Value="EventCollector_MyCollector">
			<EventProviderId Value="EventProvider_MyProvider">
    <Profile Id="Dummy.Light.File" Name="Dummy" Description="Dummy" Base="Dummy.Verbose.File" LoggingMode="File" DetailLevel="Light" />    
    <Profile Id="Dummy.Verbose.Memory" Name="Dummy" Description="Dummy" Base="Dummy.Verbose.File" LoggingMode="Memory" DetailLevel="Verbose" />	      
    <Profile Id="Dummy.Light.Memory" Name="Dummy" Description="Dummy" Base="Dummy.Verbose.File" LoggingMode="Memory" DetailLevel="Light" />    

The file you included is not here.

Bill Wandel

@Bill_Wandel said:
The file you included is not here.

Bill Wandel

I included the code inline

Only the first line made it through.


Try opening the webpage directly

I got it. I will try this later this week.