Recomendations for av capture software for the following hardware

win 2k professional
ibm p200 cpu
]64mb memory

sb128 vibra sound card
Philips usb pca646vc video camera using Microsoft WDM Image Capture (Win32)
driver as suplied on win 2k professional cd

I tried ulead s video software but this requires a min of 266mhz pc, and
when I ran it it falled to capture any audio although I had usb microphone
on the philips camera selected.

Preferably low cost or free.
I have found a number of packages that can capture video stills at regular
intervals (best one from , but not contiuous video + audio


Robert Fernando

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> I tried ulead s video software but this requires a min of 266mhz pc, and

I only know that MMX-233 is NOT enough for smooth video capture from the
ordinary DV camera using the TI’s OHCI 1394 card + MS 1394 and DV
stack + MS’s Filter Graph Editor used as the umode app to convert DV to
I suspect that in this case, the codec (converter from DV compressed format

  • they use JPEG-like encoding for each DV frame - to the AVI-
    understandable format) - is the bottleneck - it is umode DirectShow
    component (qdv.dll)
    Also I think that there must be some way to save the DV signal to AVI “as
  • as “iavs/dvsd” subformat - and then run the codec offline.
