WindBg newgroup search indexes corrupt/old?

I have just been searching for a post I made a few months ago and I am not
finding that many search terms are getting hits. For instance searching on
my name yields the most recent hit as being in 2006 and searching for
“virtualKD” yields nothing

Peter? Scott? Can you wave a magicke wand?

(alternatively, can someone remind me the incantation when virtualKD stops
being able to find your VM. Its a file you have to delete, but I have
forgotten the details)

Thanks again (and especially to OSR for hostying this tremendous resource).

> can someone remind me the incantation when virtualKD stops being able to find your VM
Enable for your virtual machine “Shared Folders”: VirtualKD uses internal RPC mechanism

> > can someone remind me the incantation when virtualKD stops being able to

> find your VM
Enable for your virtual machine “Shared Folders”: VirtualKD uses internal
RPC mechanism

Thanks for the tip, I’l remember that

I actually found another (the same?) fix which worked - which was what I
used last time:

Delete \users<me>\AppData\Roaming* and restart/reset everything.
