HTTP Symsrv/Symproxy with Windows2008 IIS7?

I’m trying to setup a HTTP symbol server and proxy (and also source server) on a Win2008 host. Unfortunately, the IIS management interface has changed much, to the crappy Win2008 managemnent console style, and doesn’t match the instructions anymore.
Does anybody know if it’s possible, or should I just give up and use server 2003 IIS for that?

I have symsrv on FreeBSD/Apache for many years. Just add the octetstream in
your directory block of your httpd.conf. It’s very easy to setup. I’m also
writing a symstore for BSD so that I can import symbols directly w/o needing
a windows box.

I feel it’s very counterproductive for me to maintain any windows based
server. I’m yet to learn Power Shell which is claimed much advanced than the
old Unix shells.

Good luck,

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 10:16 AM
To: Windows System Software Devs Interest List
Subject: [ntdev] HTTP Symsrv/Symproxy with Windows2008 IIS7?

I’m trying to setup a HTTP symbol server and proxy (and also source server)
on a Win2008 host. Unfortunately, the IIS management interface has changed
much, to the crappy Win2008 managemnent console style, and doesn’t match the
instructions anymore.
Does anybody know if it’s possible, or should I just give up and use server
2003 IIS for that?

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