Citrix DNE Lightweight Filter and NetAdapter-based miniport driver


We at OpenVPN got reports that after installing Sonicwall VPN Client
our virtual adapter stops working.

It turned out that the problem is in Citrix DNE Lightweight Filter,
which binds to the lower edge of our NetAdapter-based driver. With
that, our adapter is not visible anymore in “ipconfig /all” and any
attempts to, say, assign an IP address by netsh or IPAPI fail. If I
remove the binding (control panel → network adapter → OpenVPN Data
Channel Offload → Properties → Networking → uncheck
DNE LightWeight Filter) then our adapter is again visible in “ipconfig
/all” and everything works fine.

Is there any way to figure out what Citrix DME does which breaks
adapter functionality? Does it somehow interfere with NetAdapter?
I attached windbg and set Kd_DEFAULT_Mask to 0xFF but do not see
any errors.

Googling tells that this particular driver (Citrix DME) causes many issues.

One workaround I could think of is to set “LowerRange” to “nolower” in
INF file. At the moment I use “ethernet”, as per Jeffrey Tippet’s suggestion
With “nolower” Citrix DNE cannot bind to the driver and problem
doesn’t occur. Do you think this workaround is good enough?