Running HLK NDIS tests for drivers with NdisMediumIP medium type


I am working on ovpn-dco-win - a new kernel driver for OpenVPN. We have some test automation in GitHub when we run HLK tests using AutoHCK. The driver works on IP layer and therefore *MediaType value in .INF file is set to NdisMediumIP (19). With this value, HLK Studio only detects “generic” features of the device, such as

  • Device.DevFund.CDA
  • Device.DevFund.DeviceGuard
  • Device.DevFund.DriverFramework.AllDrivers
  • Device.DevFund.DriverFramework.KMDF
  • Device.DevFund.INF
  • Device.DevFund.Memory
  • Device.DevFund.Reliability
  • Device.DevFund.Reliability.Interrupts
  • Device.DevFund.Security-
  • Device.DevFund.Security
  • Device.DevFund.Server
  • Device.DevFund.StaticTools
  • Device.DevFund.UniversalDriver

and doesn’t detect network-related device features like

  • Device.Network.DevFund
  • Device.Network.LAN.Base

and so on.

With missing network features HLK studio doesn’t run NDIS tests, such as connection tests involving two machines. I tried to add missing features manually, but this didn’t work - NDISTEST tool on a test machine shows modal message box with the text You must select at least one test to run. The same thing happens when I run NDISTEST tool - it just doesn’t show any tests to run.

If I change *MediaType value in .INF file to NdisMedium802_3 (0), HLK Studio detects abovementioned network features and I also do see lots of NDIS tests in NDISTEST tool.

So my question is - is it possible to run HLK NDIS tests for network devices which work on IP layer? So far the only way I see is to use NdisMedium802_3 and account for ethernet header, but I am not sure I want to implement this just for testing purposes.