Windows virtio-net Multiqueue(VIRTIO_NET_F_MQ) Support in baremetal

I am looking forward to have the below mentioned information in order to make Windows Baremetal virtio-net multiqueue feature working with SmartNIC :

  1. Which windows server supports multiqueue (Windows Server 2012 R2)?
  2. Command to check no. of active multiqueues ? (equivalent of ethtool -l eth0 command Or ls /sys/class/net/ethY/queues used in Linux)
  3. Command to customize no. of multiqueues ? (equivalent of ethtool -L eth0 combined command used in Linux)
  4. Command to check multiqueue stats ?
  5. How to map Tx queues to a particular CPU (to check on performance)?
  6. How to map Rx queues to a particular CPU (to check on performance)?
  7. How to check which CPU is serving to a particular queue (Tx/Rx) i.e irq_cpu_mapping?
  8. How to direct traffic (of certain IP,UDP/TCP port) to a particular Tx queue?
  9. How to direct traffic (of certain IP,UDP/TCP port) to a particular Rx queue?
  10. How to check virtio driver version in particular Windows OS is virtio 1.0 or virtio 1.1?
  11. How to check negotiated feature list in Windows contains VIRTIO_NET_F_MQ + VIRTIO_NET_F_CTRL_VQ ?
  12. What Windows OS parameters needs to be tuned for Windows MQ Performance testing ?
  13. iPerf tool recommended/sufficient for multiqueue testing Or any other Windows test tool is preferred?
    Kindly note there are no VMs here as its a baremetal use case (tried and tested on Linux but no clue about Windows yet).