Blackbone library issues when injecting DLL from PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutineEx callback

Hi All,

I am having issues trying to inject a DLL from a PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutineEx callback using the Blackbone library. Here is a detailed explanation of my problem and snipets of the code from my callback routine and the Blackbone library…

Has anyone around here successfully done this ? Any tips, I also tried to use this which I moved away from due to various limitations and the fact that some of it’s external dependencies were not building correctly.

PS: very new to this forum…

Seriously… This is a hacker thing, right?

Why would we help you with this? You KNOW what we do on this forum, right?



Ha…haha, hahahaha. I cannot believe I found such a post.

What were you even thinking asking something like this (especially here)? Do you really think someone will help you “cheat” in a game? Seriously, learn to play games without cheating.

  • First of all, “blackbone” is a game cheating library and nobody will help you.
  • Second, PsSetLoadImageNotifyRoutineEx() is callback and it’s not meant for you to “inject” stuff. If it “works” in some POC projects, it’s just another bug from Microsoft.
  • And third, I read your “issue” and just by this statement:

I want to inject automatically into certain processes very early on in the process creation process.

Are you being serious? You are playing with kernel don’t even read documentation.

@“Peter_Viscarola_(OSR)” Try not to mind these kids and expect even more content like this, because game cheating is a huge “industry” and the depth level they go into just to cheat in a game is… out of this world.

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I cannot believe I found such a post.

I can’t believe you REVIVED such a post.

Please… don’t awaken posts that are dead.
