Event Logging (IoWriteErrorLogEntry) debugging

I seem to have some memory corruption in my processing of printing events to the system event log.
I say “seem” since IoWriteErrorLogEntry is allocated by the kernel, and I cannot start a machine where Special Pool is running on all drivers (the machine is slower than Windows 10 on a Pentium 2 with 2MB of RAM). And the system is not exhibiting issues without the routine which logs to the system event log.

Are these assumption correct:

  • Maximum size of an event log entry (allocated by IoAllocateErrorLogEntry) is 240 bytes? (EVENT_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE)
  • If there is only one string, and DumpData is not required, the string can be placed at FIELD_OFFSET(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET, DumpData)? (this seems to be the case, as I see the correct data in the event log, and saw the same in the only samples I found anywhere)
  • Max. size of such a string (if only one is present) is EVENT_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE - FIELD_OFFSET(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET) BYTES?
  • The string must include a NULL character, and that NULL char is included in the above limit?

If the above is right, is anyone seeing any issues with the below code:

    va_list                 args;
    NTSTATUS                ntRes;
    size_t                  dwLen       = 0, dwFullLen;
    PWCHAR                  lpBuffer    = NULL,
                            lpLogBuffer = NULL;
    PIO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET    lpEntry     = NULL;
    LONG                    dwID        = InterlockedIncrement(&dwLogEvent) % 100;

    va_start(args, Format);
    lpBuffer    = OFS_AllocateDirInfoBuffer();
        DbgPrint("OFS: Memory allocation failed during AFF_LogPrint call.\n");
        goto Cleanup;
        bDbgBreak   = FALSE;
    // lpBuffer has dwDirectoryBufferList (65536) charachters. We can use part of it to print the string,
    // and the rest to print partial string of max (ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE - sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET))
    // / sizeof(WCHAR) characters, which we send to the event log. We save 128 characters for extra use.
    ntRes   = RtlStringCchVPrintfW(lpBuffer,
                                   dwDirectoryBufferList / sizeof(WCHAR),
    if(!NT_SUCCESS(ntRes) &&
        DbgPrint("OFS: Error 0x%x has occurred during RtlStringCchVPrintfW call.\n", ntRes);
        goto Cleanup;
    ntRes   = RtlStringCchLengthW(lpBuffer,
                                  dwDirectoryBufferList / sizeof(WCHAR),
        DbgPrint("OFS: Error 0x%x has occurred during RtlStringCchLengthW call.\n", ntRes);
        goto Cleanup;
    // Now we need to divide the string into substrings which can fit into the error log entry buffers.
    lpLogBuffer = lpBuffer;
        lpEntry = IoAllocateErrorLogEntry(lpGlobalDriver,
            // There is no point in trying to write an event log entry when an error occurs during
            // allocation of an event log entry, so we DbgPrint instead.
            DbgPrint("OFS: Allocation error has occurred during IoAllocateErrorLogEntry call.\n");
            goto Cleanup;
        RtlZeroMemory(lpEntry, FIELD_OFFSET(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET, DumpData));
        lpEntry->ErrorCode          = ALFACW_DEBUG_INFORMATION;
        lpEntry->NumberOfStrings    = 1;
        lpEntry->StringOffset       = FIELD_OFFSET(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET, DumpData);
        lpEntry->SequenceNumber     = dwID;
        // The string may contain at most (ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE -
        //                                 sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET)) / sizeof(WCHAR)
        // characters. The "%2.2u: " part is exactly 4 characters (dwLen is at most 99, and is always
        // padded with a zero if it's a single-digit number).
        // One character is reserved for a NULL, and one is just an extra for testing. This is why
        // the maximum length of the string, specified as an argument (%.*s) will be
        // (ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE - sizeof(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET)) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 6.
        ntRes   = RtlStringCchPrintfW((PWCHAR)((PCHAR)lpEntry + lpEntry->StringOffset),
                                      (ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE -
                                       FIELD_OFFSET(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET, DumpData)) / sizeof(WCHAR),
                                      L"%2.2u: %.*s",
                                      (ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE -
                                       FIELD_OFFSET(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET, DumpData)) / sizeof(WCHAR) - 6,
        if(!NT_SUCCESS(ntRes)) // SBO is not an acceptable error here.
            DbgPrint("OFS: Error 0x%x has occurred during RtlStringCchVPrintfW call.\n", ntRes);
            goto Cleanup;
        ntRes   = RtlStringCchLengthW((PWCHAR)((PCHAR)lpEntry + lpEntry->StringOffset),
                                      (ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE -
                                       FIELD_OFFSET(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET, DumpData)) / sizeof(WCHAR),
        if((dwLen * sizeof(WCHAR)) > (ERROR_LOG_MAXIMUM_SIZE - FIELD_OFFSET(IO_ERROR_LOG_PACKET, DumpData)))
            DbgPrint("OFS: STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW has occurred during RtlStringCchLengthW call.\n", ntRes);
            goto Cleanup;
        lpEntry = NULL;
        if(!NT_SUCCESS(ntRes) || (dwLen < 5))
            DbgPrint("OFS: Error 0x%x has occurred during RtlStringCchLengthW call.\n", ntRes);
            goto Cleanup;
        // Each string has extra "00: " at the start, which is not part of the caller's buffer.
        // NULL character is not counted for dwLen, because we are interested in how many characters
        // of the lpLogBuffer got used exactly.
        dwLen          -= 4;
        lpLogBuffer    += dwLen; // dwLen is number of CHARS, do not *sizeof(WCHAR) here.
        if(dwLen > dwFullLen)
            dwFullLen   = 0;
            dwFullLen  -= dwLen;
