unresolved external symbol "__lookuptable_s" in "ntstrsafe.lib"


I had an old driver which was build under WDK7600 by ddkbuild.cmd in VisualStudio2008, I would like to migrate the build environment to VisualStudio 2017 with WDK10.
In VisualStudio 2017, I created a new project from KMDF sample, and then add all my source codes inside the project.

At the first time build, I got error as below

from some posts of this forum, I added the path of ntstrsafe.lib in “Additional Dependencies” under “Linker”->“Input” to solve the error

then I got the error below

It seems ntstrsafe.lib is referring to an unresolved external symbol “__lookuptable_s”, I had searched inside this forum to my best but cannot find anything related, very appreciated for any help.