Test whether cat file signature is suitable

Is there a way to litmus test the signature in a cat file as to whether it is valid for the running windows version? This would be a useful pre-install step to prevent the user from trying to do something that won’t work and give them a more meaningful message or even perform an automatic resolution at install time.

On Apr 24, 2019, at 6:48 PM, Rourke wrote:
> Is there a way to litmus test the signature in a cat file as to whether it is valid for the running windows version? This would be a useful pre-install step to prevent the user from trying to do something that won’t work and give them a more meaningful message or even perform an automatic resolution at install time.

I’m not aware of an API to do it, but the CAT file is not hard to reverse engineer. Look at it using a hex editor.

Tim Roberts, timr@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.