Using integrated environment vs command line?


So My last installed DDK kit that I use is 7600.16385.1, all via the sources file and batch files. Just copy over to each new project, couple changes, all clear and easy (after the initial setup). So I see the latest kit, now called WDK, has integration with VS2017, so cool, but how do you migrate over? Can you use your existing .bat files or sources files? Is there a video overview of all the various projects and how they work?


When the Visual Studio integrated WDK was first introduced, there was a “SOURCES and DIRS to Visual Studio Project” converter… but it was discontinued long ago.

So, now… drivers build using native Visual Studio projects and solutions. You might want to look back at the articles that were in The NT Insider back in 2011 that discuss VS integration with the WDK… some of them are a BIT outdated, but still should be helpful.

To convert your project, you should be able to just create an empty KMDF driver project, and add your sources files to it. You might have to monkey-around a bit with the project properties (you know how VS is… right click on the project name, and there are about a zillion different selection items)… but once you get the hang of it, you’ll love it.
