WSK and WDF relation - is it possible to allocate socket with WdfObjectCreate?


I am developing driver based on WDF that implements winsock kernel module. According to documentation winsock has two main objects: client and socket. I am looking to graceful disconnect socket during cleanup call when my socket unloads. I found that I can initialize objects with object attributes structure which contains EvtCleanupCallback I could use. The question is can I create wsk socket (or wsk client objects) like an any object in WDF?


SocketCreate method:

NTSTATUS SocketCreate(_In_  PDEVICE_CONTEXT   DeviceContext, _Out_  PSOCKET_CONTEXT *SocketContext)
NTSTATUS					status;
WDF_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES		socketAttributes;
WSK_SOCKET					socket;
PSOCKET_CONTEXT				socketContext;


socketAttributes.EvtCleanupCallback = EvtSocketCleanup;
socketAttributes.ParentObject = DeviceContext->Device;

status = WdfObjectCreate(&socketAttributes, &socket);

socketContext = GetSocketContext((WDFOBJECT)&socket);
socketContext->Socket = socket;

*SocketContext = socketContext;

return status;
