Product Code for Visual Studio 2017 Redistributable software (version - 14.15.26706 (x64))

I am trying to determine if Visual Studio 2017 Redistributable software is installed from my user app by doing the following in my install code:

            install_state = MsiQueryProductState("{42078198-C7D3-01A4-7B43-BD0E029EBAF3}");  //for x64 runtime

	if ( install_state != INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT )
		if ( !ExecuteProgram( NULL, _T("vc_redist.x64.exe"), 1000 ) )
			MessageBox( _T("Failed to execute vc_redist.x64.exe"),
						_T("Error"), MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK );
			return -1;

		MessageBox( _T("Please click OK after VC++ 2017 (x64) redistributable package has been installed."),
								_T("Information"), MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK );
		return 0;

I’ve looked at registry location HKLM\Software\Classes\Installer\Products and determined what I believe to be the Product Code for this, 42078198-C7D3-01A4-7B43-BD0E029EBAF3. However, the code above is coming back as install_state = INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN. I spend a couple of hours trying to determine what the Product Code value is for the Visual Studio 2017 Redistributable software with no luck so far.

Does anyone know what the Product Code for Visual Studio 2017 Redistributable (version - 14.15.26706 (x64)) is? I need the x86 Product Code as well.

Thanks In Advance,