rcdrlogdump limitations

So due to the limitations of rcdrlogdump only outputting a limited amount of data that isn’t configurable*, how do folks get around that limitation while using the debugger? (if this is more of a windbg topic, mods, please move there or post for me to delete this one and repost there).

I’m using DbgPrintEx when the IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL (I’m working on an I2C bus controller driver), but I’d like to take advantage of the infrastructure that Microsoft has developed for tracing. There is TraceView on the system under test, but I’m looking for tools that can be used on the debugger machine.

* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/using-wpp-recorder states: “https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/using-wpp-recorder

Why are you limiting the irql at which you?re calling DbgPrint? There are no irql restrictions required.

If you like WPP tracing, you can collect the log and use TraceView later.

What are you trying to accomplish?

Personally, I find WPP tracing annoying and cumbersome when I?m trying to get my driver working initially. I want fast, cheap, contemporaneous trace output, and DbgPrint fills the bill… just like OutputDebugString in an app.

For building tracing that you want to leave in your code in the field, I find WPP tracing to be really quite excellent. You couldn?t build yourself a better package, without a metric shit-ton of work… and then you?d have to maintain it. But in this case, somebody in the field collects the log and I post-process it to make sense out of it.



I’ll tell you why, because I misread the documentation (I shouldn’t read MSDN too late at night), and read DIRQL as DISPATCH_LEVEL. Now I know these are totally totally different, so I’m surprised I messed up like that.

I agree about not reinventing the wheel. I was more looking at what was I missing. I actually like WPP: great for servicing post release, and not too bad for debugging either. I just wish that rcdrlogdump allowed for some more configuration. It is kind of nice if you forget to set the filter mask.