Update to Windows 2000 Device Driver Book?

I’ve found Baker and Lozano’s Windows 2000 Device Driver Book informative and useful.

Is there an update for Windows 10 (or other later versions of Windows, for that matter)? Either a different document or book, or a revised edition of the above.

Or any comments about what is new since Windows 2000, or what is changed or no longer works in Windows 10?



xxxxx@rolle.name wrote:

I’ve found Baker and Lozano’s Windows 2000 Device Driver Book informative and useful.

Is there an update for Windows 10 (or other later versions of Windows, for that matter)? Either a different document or book, or a revised edition of the above.

Or any comments about what is new since Windows 2000, or what is changed or no longer works in Windows 10?

By far, the biggest change is KMDF/UMDF.  In most cases, you’d be crazy
to start a new driver project today without using KMDF.  For that, the
canonical text is “Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver
Foundation” from Microsoft Press.

There are certainly a boatload of practical details that have changed. 
Windows 2000 was before 64 bit systems were a thing, and before driver
signing was an issue.  Power management was poorly handled.  We’re just
a lot smarter now.

Tim Roberts, xxxxx@probo.com
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

You: “What’s changed in Windows in the past 17+ years”

Me: “How much time do you have?”

Probably the biggest change is the introduction of WDF (both KMDF and UMDF). There are zillions of other changes, however… both older and recent, consequential and inconsequential.

FWIW, I have never been a fan of the Baker and Lozano book. In fact, Mr. Baker (the author) wasn’t a fan of the Baker and Lozano book, IIRC.

The world needs a definitive WDM driver book, and a WDF book to replace Orwick and Smith. Sadly, I don’t know how that would happen at this juncture.


Windows Internals Part 1 and Part 2; seventh edition.

On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 4:11 PM xxxxx@rolle.name wrote:

> I’ve found Baker and Lozano’s Windows 2000 Device Driver Book informative
> and useful.
> Is there an update for Windows 10 (or other later versions of Windows, for
> that matter)? Either a different document or book, or a revised edition of
> the above.
> Or any comments about what is new since Windows 2000, or what is changed
> or no longer works in Windows 10?
> Thanks.
> Michael
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Go for this i am pretty sure u will forget everything about baker’s book.
