Re[2]: Isolation driver FO fields copy doubt.

As Rod pointed out, this is one of the fields that you must manage.


Kernel Drivers
Windows File System and Device Driver Consulting

------ Original Message ------
To: “Windows File Systems Devs Interest List”
Sent: 4/3/2017 10:56:54 AM
Subject: RE:[ntfsd] Isolation driver FO fields copy doubt.

>If I don’t copy CurrentByteOffset back and forth, IFS tests fails :frowning:
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Thanks Rod and Peter for clarifying.

Is there another field I have to worry about?

Kind regards,

> Is there another field I have to worry about?

Being flippant “Yes, but you will need to find out for yourself”. As I said
earlier this is non documented and you really just need to suck it and see.
But to start with you probably want to call one of the File Share
arbitration functions to set up the
Read/Write/Delete/ReadShare/WriteShare/DeleteShare flags.

> If I don’t copy CurrentByteOffset back and forth, IFS tests fails :frowning:

Don’t copy it. Maintain it. See FAT for how to do that in